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Tag Archives: recession

Outside the Box: Laying off these key workers is one of the worst decisions companies are making to cope with coronavirus recession

“ Every business is at risk of losing those who drive innovation. ” When employees shifted to working remotely five months ago, few thought it would last this long. Now, an estimated 30 million Americans are unemployed, with one in five workers collecting unemployment benefits. The U.S. recession is deepening, …

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Outside the Box: 6 things the best bosses know will help workers and companies thrive in a recession

We often look to the past to make decisions for the future. Yet the coronavirus pandemic presents a unique dilemma: How can we navigate circumstances that none of us has ever experienced?  The implications of this pandemic — and the steps taken by public health officials, political leaders and corporate …

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Germany and France propose $545 billion recovery plan as Europe girds for ‘recession of historic proportions’

The biggest economies in Europe are throwing their weight behind a 500 billion–euro ($ 545 billion) debt-backed plan to help the region recover from the devastating coronavirus pandemic. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron jointly announced the plan, which will provide grants, rather than loans, for “the …

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Outside the Box: Warren Buffett is handling the coronavirus crisis like he mastered the Great Recession

As the coronavirus crisis unfolds, many are asking: Where is Warren Buffett? They want to hear and see more from America’s most literary and famed investor, noted for both calm and prowess in times of distress. People know the current crisis is more acute than any in living memory, including …

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Why buying a home can be smart move during a recession

BY Erik J. Martin 4 minute read Amid an economic downturn and on the heels of the pandemic crisis, Americans previously considering a property purchase may be asking themselves: Why would I want to buy a home anytime soon, considering all the risk and uncertainty in the market right now?  It’s a …

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Economic Report: U.S. businesses dealt severe blow in March from coronavirus and slip toward recession

Getty Images The coronavirus is killing Americans and devastating the economy. The numbers: Business in the U.S. posted the biggest contraction in March since the end of the Great Recession owing to massive disruptions caused by the coronavirus. A “flash” reading by the forecasting firm IHS Markit showed a small …

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NewsWatch: Why the coronavirus outbreak is delivering a fresh dose of recession fear to the stock market

MARKETWATCH FRONT PAGE A more apropos adage for today’s market bears may be that when an outbreak of coronavirus grinds the world’s second-largest economy to a halt, the rest of the world catches a recession. See full story. My husband watches TV all day while I cook and clean. He …

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NewsWatch: Why the coronavirus outbreak is delivering a fresh dose of recession fear to the stock market

MARKETWATCH FRONT PAGE A more apropos adage for today’s market bears may be that when an outbreak of coronavirus grinds the world’s second-largest economy to a halt, the rest of the world catches a recession. See full story. Berkshire Hathaway posts $ 29.2 billion quarterly earnings and holds $ 128 …

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