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Tag Archives: prenup.

The Moneyist: ‘I want to hurt him the same way he hurt me’: My husband sprung a prenup on me days before our wedding. He kept all copies

Dear Quentin, I am married and have been in the same relationship for a number of years. We have both been single parents from prior relationships. Considering our age gap, he is much more successful in life as a sole proprietor. He is more than a decade older than me. …

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The Moneyist: I asked my fiancée, 30, to sign a prenup due to her spending. She refused. Would it be wrong to secretly put my assets in a trust?

Dear Moneyist, I’m a 28-year-old male marrying a 30-year-old woman. I have racked up about $ 100,000 in student-loan debt by earning two graduate degrees; luckily I obtained a finance job with unlimited earning potential, just heavy work hours, so I am not too worried about repaying my loans if …

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The Moneyist: I’m 41. My fiancé is 61. I’m worth $1.3M. He’s worth $250K. He won’t marry if I insist on a prenup. How can I protect my assets?

Dear Moneyist, I am 41 and my fiancé is 61. I am worth $ 1.3 million. I have 1.1M cash in my business, and $ 200,000 on my house equity and personal checking. My career is booming. In 2015, I made $ 70,000, and so far this year I have …

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