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Smart Home Light vs Traditional Light Bulbs

Have you been hearing about these “smart home lights” as of late and you are feeling confused as to what they are? What makes them “smart lights” and how do they differ from traditional light bulbs in your home? And then of course the bigger question is, do you actually need them in your house?


Because technology is ever-changing at a rapid pace, it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends and gadgets, so you aren’t alone in your confusion. Let’s break down the major differences between smart home lights vs traditional light bulbs, so you can make an informed decision on whether or not you need to upgrade your interior lighting.

What are Smart Home Lights?

Smart lighting can be explained in really simple terms – it is automated lighting that you can control and schedule remotely. You’ll be able to turn on/off your lights remotely, set up a light schedule (when the lights come on and turn off), and some even offer a dimmer feature so you can control the brightness of the light in each space/room.

The smart lights are paired with WiFi technology, and usually require you to download a companion app so you can control them from any mobile device such as your smartphone or a tablet. This article from BAZZ Smart Home explains in more detail how smart lights work.

What are the Pros and Cons of Smart Home Lights?

Making the decision of whether or not to upgrade to smart lighting can often benefit from a pros and cons list. Here are just some of the most essential ones to be aware of:

Pros for Smart Lighting

  • You have the freedom to control your lights remotely, which is ideal if you are away from your home often
  • Setting a lighting schedule means you can actually be mindful of your energy usage and even cut down on it, which is a cost-savings
  • Smart lighting takes no tech knowledge or effort to install
  • You can pick and choose which rooms/spaces you install smart lighting in; it doesn’t have to be the whole house
  • At the end of each day, you can simply turn off all the lights in one tap, rather than going room-to-room

Cons for Smart Lighting

  • There will be an initial cost investment to purchase all the lights
  • You need to have a device that is compatible with the smart lighting, so you can control them
  • For some, setting up a schedule can be tricky at first, but it is something you can learn and get used to

Who Would Benefit Most from Smart Home Lights?

So, that leads us to the question of who would benefit the most from installing smart lighting in their home. Everyone can benefit from these lights. Because they are so user-friendly and easy to install, you’ll find that it’s a breeze to use them. In fact, they offer such convenience that you will probably ask yourself why you held out so long.

Upgrade Your Lighting – Upgrade Your Home

At the end of the day, the decision to upgrade your lights to smart lights doesn’t just give you a cool new feature in your home; it actually upgrades your entire home.

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