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Tag Archives: gone

ETF Wrap: ETF Wrap: We’ve gone to the dogs, and more on the Barstool bro for March Madness

What just happened? When the Barstool bull crashed through the ETF china shop, it was both upsetting and, if we’re being honest, a little titillating. You just don’t do that in financial services, was the initial reaction to Dave Portnoy’s shenanigans. Then everyone poked fun at the newby who didn’t …

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The Moneyist: My brother-in-law smokes weed, drinks booze and plays video games. My in-laws pay his mortgage. What happens after they’re gone?

Dear Moneyist, My brother-in-law is just over 40, and he has health issues. He’s also suffering from mental-health issues that have mostly been undiagnosed due to his refusal to see anyone, and essentially he does nothing but smoke weed, drink booze, and play video games. Right now his parents pay …

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The Tell: Here are the European and Asian coronavirus plays that have rallied while markets have gone sour

Markets outside the U.S. haven’t been spared the pain from the coronavirus that has closed much of the economy. According to S&P Dow Jones Indices, global markets have lost $ 14.9 trillion in value from their Feb. 29 high, and international stocks lost about a quarter of their value in …

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