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Rage Against The Minivan

Kristen Howerton, OG blogger at Rage Against The Minivan, wrote a significant book, also titled Rage Against The Minivan, and it published yesterday! Kristen is an excellent and very funny writer, and she tackles every hard subject parents face — topics like screen time, infertility, annoying parenting myths, racism, divorce, Elf on the Shelf, how hard it is to make friends in your forties, and a whole lot more. From the introduction:

My learning curve as a parent was complicated and difficult. While trying to become a mother, I battled infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and adoption drama. Then I had kids, and I battled anxiety, perfectionism, exhaustion, a constant feeling of being overwhelmed, and a crisis of purpose. I still battle those things. But along the way I’ve learned some lessons about letting go.

I hope this book will give you permission to embrace doing less.

Kristen is funny, she’s compassionate, she’s patient, she’s openminded and I learn something new every time I read her posts or newsletters, or listen to her podcast, or watch her live discussions. When there’s a current event that I can’t seem to wrap my head around, Kristen is one of the first people I look to, to see what her response is, because I know she will be fair and thoughtful. Kristen is also a licensed family and marriage therapist, and I appreciate her takes from that angle as well.

Rage Against The Minivan is for
• the parent who had it totally figured out before they had kids
• the parent who said “I will never . . .” and now they have
• the parent who needs a time-out and a nap as badly as their child does
• the parent who looks like they have it all together but feels like a hot mess on the inside
• the parent who looks like a hot mess on the outside, too
• the parent who asks Am I good enough? Doing enough? Doing it right? What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with these children? Are they eighteen yet?

Oh man. This book is SO good and it deserves all the attention. Publish dates are decided a year (or more!) in advance, and I’m so bummed for Kristen that this happens to be such a crummy time to have a book launch. Pandemic + major social unrest, means no launch parties and no book signings and people’s minds are on other things. BUT, Kristen’s book is actually ideal for this time and place. Her voice is both reassuring and entertaining, and her willingness to tackle even the trickiest topics will make you brave.

You can find Rage Against The Minivan on Amazon or at your favorite independent bookstore.

P.S. — If you love it, 5-star reviews on Amazon are incredibly helpful to new authors!

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