Home / Home Improvement / How to Build a Kids’ Climbing Wall

How to Build a Kids’ Climbing Wall

DIY wood climbing wall
Keep your kids active outdoors — so they won’t run wild indoors!

Kids need to spend time outdoors to stay healthy, fit and avoid accidents while running around indoors! One way to burn off excess energy is with a climbing wall.

But you don’t need to go out and buy your kids some fancy, high-priced one. At least, not when you can build one for a fraction of the price. Just watch the video and follow this guide.

We’re building a climbing wall that’s basically made of two panels. Each panel is about 45 inches wide and 7 feet tall, and we’ll join the panels with a hinge at the top like an A-frame ladder.

Sounds simple, right? Then let’s get to work!

First, we need to construct two panels from pressure-treated 2-by-4’s that we will screw together with 3-inch deck screws. The vertical, 7-foot pieces are on the outside; we’ll attach the horizontal pieces about 6 inches in from either end of the vertical pieces.

One panel should be 3 inches narrower than the other, so it can fit between the other panel’s verticals.

Add a vertical 2-by-4 to the middle of the wider panel to support the 1-by-6 boards that will hold the climbing wall’s grips.

Nail or screw the 1-by-6’s horizontally across the frame, starting from the top, horizontal 2-by-4’s, and work down to the lower one.

Align the tops of the two panels with the smaller one inside. Drill a 5/8-inch hole through both boards on each side and install a 5/8-inch galvanized carriage bolt through each hole before securing it with a washer, lock washer and nut.

Spread out the cargo net in the opening of the smaller panel so you can mark locations for the rope that secure it. Then drill 5/8-inch holes to thread the rope through and tie it off.

Finally, you’re ready to attach the climbing wall’s grips to the larger panel. Drill random holes all over the surface before attaching the climbing grips with the supplied bolts and T nuts.

Thread the bolts through the grip and then the panel before attaching a T nut on the backside of the board.

After one fastener is in each grip, rotate the grip to your preferred position before drilling the second hole and adding the other bolt.

Once all the grips are secured, you can position the wall at the angle that best suits your children.

That’s it! Now you’ve got a climbing wall, and your children can explore new heights in your backyard.

Watch the video above to see the process step by step.

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