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Giving to Adopting Families

Hi friends! It’s that time of year again where we help someone who is in the process of adopting. As many of you know, we adopted our son Copeland in 2019 and since then we have felt called to help and support as much as we can to others who feel the call to adopt. It’s crazy how much adoption has changed our hearts and our minds when it comes to where we give and how we view family. In our new kid’s book [HERE] you can read more about that as well. Each year we do something different when it comes to the fundraising for the adoption grant giveaway. Our first year doing it we gave away our remainder of the funds that we had raised for our adoption to a family & it happened to be the exact amount the family needed to reach their adoption fund goal… how cool is that? That being said this year we are doing a fundraiser through our shop in the month of January. Any sale made in our shop here [HERE] 20% will go to a family adopting. We are launching two brand new styles to kick off this fundraiser, an embroidered Cozy Up sweatshirt [HERE] and a comfy Dog Mom t-shirt [HERE]. If you feel a call to help with these families adopting, but don’t want to make a purchase in the shop, we do have a separate PayPal set up for these adopting families [[email protected] is the adoption PayPal email address if you choose to send money that way] that you can send your donation to. We will be sharing all of these numbers & we will also be sharing the family who receives the funds if they choose to be public, but of course, their privacy will be respected if they want it.

Now, you may be wondering how we find families who are adopting to help. Well, that’s where you guys come in! We have a form below you can fill out to nominate yourself or someone you know who is adopting. Feel free to pass this post along so we can reach more families who are adopting. Fill out the form below to nominate yourself or someone you know who is adopting!

We would love to share the family’s story with you guys, but we will remain as private as the chosen family decides to be which I know you guys totally understand. From our experience, we know how scary starting the adopting process is & we hope that this will make it a little easier. We can’t wait to see your nominations & we are thankful in advance for your help in spreading this adoption joy this holiday season!

xx Liz & Jose

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