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Tips to Get Wall Decorated as You Want


Decorations are the spirit of festivities and great mood. People tend to decorate their homes, gardens, walls, and living spaces. In fact, some of the earliest forms of decorations were found in the caves during the cavemen. Walls represent the taste and sometimes the royalty of the residence. Here we focus on some tips to decorate your walls, the way you want.

If you looked at a wall and wondered how people go about making it happen, this article is for you. Because simply painting or buying some items and putting them on the walls is not enough. There has to be some planning. There is a reason people spend huge bucks on interior designing because they excel at this job. So, if you want to achieve something similar, you must know what goes into it as well. 

  • Visualize your room, your wall as many times as you like in your head. Because of the power of visualization, combined with taking inputs from magazines or TV can help create the wall you like. Without visualization, you would never know which way to move.
  • If you want to go DIY, then you must fix the items you will need. It is important because DIY projects strictly depend on the purchase of things that you otherwise don’t have. Because you are not a hardware store or a professional interior design firm, you have to be very careful about what to buy and what to leave.

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  • Decorating your walls can mean two different approaches. If your visualization is clear enough, then you know by this time if you want hanging external decorations or simply painting the walls. Because in the previous case, you also have to purchase these items.
  • Preparing the space, and having extra vacant space for moving items. If you are going to do this project then you will need to empty your rooms and shift things. Consider the effort and costs involved. In the way of preparations, you have to focus on removing lights, sockets, etc.
  • Painting is also not that simple because there are tons of things here. Simply make a visit to your nearest professional painting or interior designer and you will be speechless with the techniques, styles, and options.
  • Finally, remember about ventilation, not hurrying things up, cleaning things up after the project, and other things. They are equally important but often get ignored during the planning.

So, if you take care of the above order of tips, your wall will look and decorate the way you want. It will surely take energy, time, and effort, but you will be happy with the end result. In any case, the single factor that can decide how much energy, time, and cost will go into it depends entirely on the first tip the visualization phase.

External Wall Decorations

If you are decorating the wall with external decorations, items such as painting and stuff, there is an endless list of ideas. In fact, creativity and imagination can produce an infinite number of things, and it all boils down to your visualization and taste. Of course, the budget is always the constraining factor, but otherwise.

Arranging vintage items such as paintings or sculptures from antique shop Sydneyor even online if it is possible. If the plan goes well, then you can check for ways to install them. Items like framing pieces of art, prints, posters, historical pictures, and so on are some good ideas because of their uniqueness. Vintage-style furniture or a hanging clock is another idea. Below are some things you can do.

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  • Botanical gallery, vintage art like flowers, ferns from flea markets.
  • Farmhouse style kitchen design, artwork on kitchen walls, rustic style art décor.
  • Composing open shelf art display at drawing-room, dining room, etc.
  • Large-scale font work, color-blocked vintage sketches.
  • Frid-art display of painting, photographs, etc.
  • Floral art and vintage photo prints of historical events.

All the above are beautiful tips to decorate your walls in an unusual but attractive way. It will surely gather a lot of appreciation from your neighbors because of the effort that goes into it.

Don’t Ignore the Sides

Cleaning the rooms after the work is over; preparing the rooms before decorations and painting, etc can be messy. Finding storage space for shifting your items temporarily can also become a headache. Keep these things in your plan for a hassle-free experience. And, always visualize your wall inside your head if not 3D modeling, before starting off to spending money to realize it. Keeping a tight leash on the budget is important.


Thus, in order to decorate your walls in a prettier and attractive manner go with the above tips. Look at the order of execution starting from visualization to execution, and leftovers. Try a unique combination of vintage style art decor with modern walls. There are endless possibilities because decorations are a work of creativity.

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