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Best Improvements to Make Before Selling Your Home

Any homeowner who’s sold before knows what a hassle it can be. Of course, there are obvious challenges like investigating the home market, finding the best realtor, and pricing the house. You also have to deal with all the emotions that are sure to come up due to your likely attachment to your house, not to mention fears that the property might not sell for the amount you want.

Homeowners in North Carolina can skip many of the stressors like financing, showings, and waiting on a real estate agent by using Sell My House Charlotte. They make a cash offer on houses Charlotte NC and surrounding areas and can be a great option for those making a quick move, needing to sell an unwanted property (like a vacant house), or trying to avoid foreclosure.

It may seem a bit unusual to think about spending more money on a Charlotte house you’re looking to sell, but especially for those looking to get their full home value, there are several relatively low-cost home improvements you can make to influence your sale value. Here are some most worth considering.



Your house needs to show well to attract buyers, and the exterior of your home makes the first impression. Your curb appeal is what convinces potential buyers to look at the inside of your home in the first place. You’ll want to start with making your grass look healthy. If you have dirt patches or brown grass (especially outside of winter), it can make the property look run down and neglected. Removing weeds and applying fertilizer to your yard is important. If the problem is dire, you may even consider artificial grass. It’s also a good idea to add color to your yard with either trees or some seasonal flowers and shrubs.


Painting over walls is fairly low-cost, especially if you handle it yourself instead of using professional painters. Buyers tend to like neutral colors since they make the home look for like a “blank canvas” they can add their own personal touches to. Naturally, repainting will serve an additional function if the current paint job is unfashionable or showing age. If you have any dated wallpaper designs, you’ll likely want to remove them and paint those walls as well. If you believe specific color schemes suit your home best, look into modern color trends to ensure stylish choices.

New Lighting

Lighting plays a big, and often underrated, role in setting the mood of your home. It guides your eyes through each room, drawing attention to specific fixtures, and it can even affect your overall color perception. Of course, natural light is great when you can get it, but there are many kinds of light on the visible spectrum. Colored lights can drastically change the atmosphere. Wall lights can draw attention to graphic arts, and table lamps can draw the eye to the most functionally important aspects of any room.
New Lighting
You can even improve your mood and health with full spectrum lighting that closely mimics natural daylight. Incandescent full spectrum light bulbs are easier on the eyes than other forms of interior lighting and can help you see and feel better. They can even help with some forms of seasonal depression, such as the winter blues. These occur due to the lack of sunlight exposure during the fall and winter, which can disrupt the circadian rhythm and decrease the production of serotonin. Since these bulbs mimic the full-color spectrum of sunlight, they can help combat symptoms of the winter blues.

These minor improvements can make a noticeable difference in your sale value and are worth pursuing, especially if things like a bathroom remodel or kitchen updates are out of your price range.

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