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Bedroom Redesign: 5 Steps to Creating a Sleep-Friendly Space

According to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services, it has been estimated that around 20% of all Americans are suffering from some sort of sleep disorder. While the first reflex for many people will be to try to find ways to change their habits, what many don’t realize is how much their bedroom could have an impact on their sleep quality. There are tons of adjustments that you could make starting today that could help you fall asleep faster, and longer. Let’s take a look at how you can redesign your bedroom for optimal sleep.

Start with the Bed


Let’s start with the most important element – your bed. The bed you choose, and more importantly, the mattress, will make a huge difference in the quality of sleep that you get. However, it’s not enough to pick the most popular option on the market or the one that’s getting the most attention at the moment. Everyone has different sleeping needs, and will, therefore, have to take these into consideration when picking a mattress.

For instance, couples might want a mattress that isolates movement more than anything. If you’re having trouble because of a partner, you could also consider getting a bigger mattress. If you have a king mattress, then you could consider upgrading to a California king one. A California king is bigger and if you combine it with something like a foam mattress, you’ll have no trouble sleeping with a partner ever again.

Get Blackout Curtains

Blackout curtains are exactly what they sound like – curtains that will make the room darker. This is very important since our bodies’ internal clocks are governed by light, so even a smidgen of light could be enough to trip it up. Blackout curtains are usually not known for being the most attractive, but it’s a worthwhile tradeoff if you want to make your quality of sleep a priority.

It’s worth looking at blackout blinds if you would rather keep your pretty curtains. Blackout blinds come in standard sizes and can also be made-to-measure. Pick a complementary color and the blind will help dress your window as well as block the light out when the days are long.

Eliminate Harmful Light

Speaking of internal clocks, did you know that something as simple as an alarm clock could be enough to trip it? Yes, clocks and various electronics emit what is referred to as “blue light” which is a light that negatively affects your sleep rhythm. This is why you should consider going for analog options when possible. Also, make sure that you limit screen time at least two hours before going to bed.

What you DON’T want to do is lie in bed late at night, scrolling through your phone’s feed. The blue light from your smartphone screen will fool your body into thinking it’s time to be wide-awake, which makes it much harder to fall asleep.

Keep smartphones, tablets, and laptops out of the bedroom at night, or if you must have yours handy, at least turn the screen brightness down and don’t stare at it before bed.

Change the Colors

Colors have a great impact on psychology and sleep as well. Colors like blue, for instance, have been shown to be conducive to sleep and relaxation. However, not everyone will like a blue room, but you still can go for a blue ceiling and paint the other walls with a neutral color like beige or off white. Green is another color that has been linked with relaxation and is great for any bedroom. Other colors that have been associated with greater sleep include orange, yellow, and silver.

Declutter the Room

A cluttered room is more than just unsightly. It can also contribute to stress, and therefore affect your sleep. Another thing you should avoid is storing things under your bed. While they’ll be out of sight, they can still be a source of distraction. Box clutter up and move it to another part of the house, or better still, get rid of it altogether.

Ideally, the bedroom should be for sleeping and sleeping only, so anything that is not directly related to sleep should be removed from the room, especially things related to work. So, if your bedroom also happens to be your office space, you should consider using another room in your house. Do not work in bed or have a desk in your room, even if space is in short supply.

These few tips should be more than enough to start your sleep-friendly bedroom makeover. You’re your bedroom clean and wash your bedding once a week. Sleep is hard to come by when your bed is full of crumbs and there are dust bunnies on the floor!

Remember, your bedroom should be your sleep sanctuary, so treat it as such.

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