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7 Tips That Will Help You Choose The Right Armchair For Your Room

7 Tips That Will Help You Choose The Right Armchair For Your Room

Armchairs are very flexible or versatile pieces of furniture – they can be used for diverse purposes in the home. If you want a chair to sink into after a long, a cozy armchair is one of the best and most comfortable you can get. Also, it is a perfect place to curl to read a book. Another very important benefit of adding an armchair to your space is that it can add a lot of personality to your space. With an armchair in your room, painting a feature wall becomes unnecessary as well as hanging artwork.

Choosing an armchair is different from buying a sofa. When buying a sofa, the focus is on providing comfort to all users. On the other hand, an armchair is focused on your comfort and preferences. You are allowed to be selfish when purchasing an armchair. The following tips will help you find the best armchair for you.


Quality is a very important consideration when choosing an armchair because it involves a sizable investment. It is vital to choose a design that will serve you for a long time without any hassle. There are several things to consider when checking the quality of an armchair.

  • Frame: like in other chairs, different kinds of materials are used for the frame of armchairs. The most common one is timber but the quality varies extensively. If you are choosing an armchair with a timber frame, ensure you go for one with excellent quality; you may carry someone who can distinguish them along. Steel frames are the best – they can withstand more rigorous use.
  • Materials: ensure all other materials are also of excellent quality. A way to do that is by asking the seller if the materials such as fabrics are tested for durability. Materials with excellent quality are easy to maintain and will last longer. For example, durable, full-hide leather is better than split leather.
  • Cushioning: According to our friend Matthew Olarinde who runs the furniture blog called allmodernfurnitureshop.com, you should choose an armchair with high-resilience and memory foams as opposed to conventional cushioning. You should also show a preference for those with pocket spring structure; they offer better and long-lasting support.


The prices of armchairs vary greatly, ranging from $ 200 to as much $ 15,000. The materials used, design, and style are some of the key contributors to the price. A full-hide leather armchair will be significantly more expensive than split leather, so also steel frames are typically more expensive than timber frames. When choosing the right armchair for you, it is important to strike the proper balance between your budget and quality. If you do not intend to subject your armchair to rigorous use, timber frames are perfectly fine hence a lower price. Some brands offer payment plans to make purchasing the right armchair easier for users. If you don’t want to take a payment plan, planning an armchair properly into your budget will make it easier for you to achieve your goal.

Your Room Design and Arrangement


It is important that the armchair you choose fit seamlessly in your room. If you already have some great pieces of furniture and decoration in place, an armchair that blends in is better. On the other hand, if your room looks bland, an armchair that lifts the face of the room is more appropriate e.g. an armchair in a material that contrasts your sofas will give an eye-catching and enticing look. To achieve the perfect fitting, scale and proportion are vital – it is important to put other pieces in your room into consideration. A room with two large sofas will hardly be altered by an armchair in one corner. Your choice of armchair should flow with what you already have in place.

Note: make sure you choose an armchair that does not hinder free movement in your room hence choose the right size and position it rightly.


When selecting any piece of furniture, comfort is the most important consideration. A chair that looks great but does not give you the support and comfort you need is worthless because the primary function is not decoration but for sitting. To ensure you choose a comfortable armchair, do the following:

  • Test it in-store: the first test of comfort is to try the chair out in-store. Sit for a while in the armchair you are looking to buy; if it does not feel as comfortable as you like, don’t go for it. The seat should be firm as well as soft enough to support you and keep you comfortable. Your feet should not be hanging and your arms should be well supported by the armrests. Finally, you should not have any trouble getting out of the chair. The back height, seat depth, and cushion filling must be right for you.
  • Reviews and recommendations: if you are buying online, you do not have the luxury of in-store testing. Check what other users have to say about the comfort of the chair. Check as many reviews as possible.


Color is also a very important consideration. The color of your armchair should be in line with or contrast what you already have in place. There is a wide range of colors to pick from, the only way not to be confused is to know what you want and go for it. If you are buying two armchairs, they do not have to be the same color or design, just ensure they are both beautifully designed and arrange adequately. However, if you are going for a matching pair of armchairs, place them beside each other between the sofas.


Pet and Children

If you have children and pets in your home, it is important to choose a material that can be easily cleaned or maintained. Also, stronger frames are better because you should expect a degree of rugged use.

Your Size

Finally, as you seek to buy the right armchair for you, ensure the armchair is big enough to accommodate you comfortably. Do not buy a chair you will have to squeeze into – comfort is the primary aim.

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