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10 Solutions to Interior Design for Restaurants in the Covid-19 Era

The Covid-19 has hit hard the HORECA industry and made it face challenges never seen before. Owners found themselves obliged to redesign their business spaces to accommodate the new rules and sometimes even rethink it entirely. Interior design for restaurants had to adapt to much more different rules. People are eager to restart their social lives, to dine out, meet their dear ones. They want to enjoy other places than home – pretty places, of course. But not just that: they want these places to be, at the same time, comfortable, cosy, and safe. Here are 10 examples of restorant interior interior ideas that can satisfy clients and save a business.

Private Booths with Transparent Walls

This lovely solution for Punta Cabras can serve as inspiration worldwide. Private booths have been around for long, in clubs and restaurants alike. They’re suitable to all styles, from informal to family  dining and to fancy nights out. Nowadays, these seem to be more relevant than ever. Both privacy and safety are ensured. Guests booking a table will be well isolated by the walls.

Here is the loveliest trick: you don’t want to make them feel entirely walled-in and isolated. Therefore, opt for transparent (maybe colourful, too) walls in between the booths, like in the picture below. Totally amazing! It’s a solution that lets the booth occupants see the entire place and crowd, thus feeling like nothing has changed.

interior design for restaurants

Plaza Style Dining can be your Interior design for restaurants

The Plaza style dining has a retro, classic, and romantic charm. It’s a sight you surely expect to see when watching an Audrey Hepburn movie. Romantic as it may be, it ensures not only the privacy of two lovers, but also the isolation from viruses. The style refers to square or round tables disposed in an evenly manner across a vast space.

There is plenty of space between all tables, in every direction.  The equal distance has an aesthetic appeal as well. The display is ideal for couples and small groups. It does not matter whether your space is outdoors or indoors, the layout works excellent in both cases.

Interior design for restaurants

Large Windows Ventilation

Good ventilation is a must if your restaurant is indoors. This is because the virus-bearing particles won’t have the chance to get dense if the air is continuously moving. Instead, these will be dispersed quickly. An airy room is known to be more helpful in preserving your health. Do not fret if your premises are indoors and you cannot install a proper ventilation system. Go the natural way and, instead, open the windows.

If there are hardly any, consider replacing the exterior walls (of the architecture allows) with windows as large as possible. There are even folding windows available, which look and work so well. All in all, it will be a winning interior design for restaurants, since it opens up the space a great deal and lets the natural light flood the place. However, make sure you’ve carefully considered the climate you are in, as it is of utmost importance.

Interior design for restaurants

Blurring the Line Between Inside and Outside

People are craving the outdoors. And when they catch a break, they love to be out there. If you can give them that chance as they’re having their meal or their espresso, you can win the game. Covid times have given rise to this concept of blurring the lines.

Countless new and old businesses alike have opened terraces. Sometimes it’s hard to tell where the interior ends and the terrace begins. Maybe there is no boundary. Many of the existing interior design for restaurants can make the transition with a minimum of effort and investment. It is one of the easiest transformations to make, it’s trendy and looks gorgeous and inviting.

Interior design for restaurants

Casual Dining Preferred

Casual and relaxed are the terms to bear in mind when envisioning a new interior design for restaurants. Principles of the past have been renegotiated. Fine dining is now seen as a danger, with the waiters checking on guests at all times. Clients prefer nowadays to only make contact with the staff at the reception point and then at payment time. To avoid proximity and minimise contact, it is essential to go casual. A more laidback style is welcome in the Coronavirus era. Besides, it is prone to attracting a greater number of eager customers.

Alternatives to Plexiglass Separators

The easiest way to ensure proper separation between groups of clients is to use plexiglass in  interior design for restaurants. However, the trouble with such panels is that they accumulate a lot of dust, grease and scratch marks. If your tables are outdoors, every drop of rain will leave a mark. It takes much effort to keep these panels in good condition and still, soon will have to be replaced with new ones. Instead of cheap looking plexiglass, you can find other elements to use as separators – wooden structures, shelving, art, drapery or planters. While not all my work for a restaurant interior, they’re sure to be a great solution for your outdoors space.

Modern Look with Easily Cleaned Materials

As beautiful as it may be, a cosy outdoor or interior design for restaurants is not ideal in a pandemic. Pillows, frabrics and throws don’t get cleaned too often – certainly not after every client. These accumulate bacteria and other patogens quite easily, which is why some clients shy away from such places.

Choose a modern, sleek, perhaps minimal design with solid and well polished surfaces that are easy to clean. It doesn’t have to be boring or ugly. If some cushioning is necessary, opt for seat pillows that can be easily interchanged. Leave armrests and other frequently touched surfaces be of metal, plastic, laminates etc.

The Patio Solution

There has been a recent rise in the number of outdoor dining places occupying a patio. The health related reasons are evident. Air circulation is unhindered, while clients and staff alike have enough room to walk among the tables.

If you can get your hands on a generous space outdoors, have that as your client serving space and keep the restaurant interior only for the staff. Also, you may choose to transform this according to trendy pandemic interior design for restaurants. Your guests will enjoy quiet outdoors dining, far from the agitation of the staff at the bar. Separating the two will not only serve everyone’s health and safety, but also inscribe to a nice trend.

Rooftop Relocation as Alternative

This is a true story here – many reputable restaurants across the globe chose to relocate from indoor to outdoor premises, with the most efficient (and attractive) being the rooftop. Such installments have always been a hit in every city. It would be a shame not to take advantage of the current situation and settle on whichever suitable rooftop is at hand. Such was the case of Restaurant Imago in Hassler Hotel in Rome. Once the virus changed the game, the owner decided to move it to the roof. You may see it below.

We actually think it’s always belonged there, with that glorious view and the vastness of space. Sure, one may not be able to stay loyal to the chosen interior design for restaurants, but the rooftop relocation is likely to need a lot less in terms of decor, so it’s a win-win.

Wireless Sensors in Interior Design for Restaurants

You don’t only attract clients via looks alone. It’s about safety too, which is where the sensors come into the picture. If they have to open a door to enter, sometimes a double one, then touch another knob to enter the toilet, press the tap, press to flush and so on, they might start avoiding the place. Try to have doors, taps and toilets automated, as it helps a great deal in interior design for restaurants.

You may choose to change how your business looks entirely or just opt for a few smart and essential modifications. The great news is that this pandemic did not mean the end of the game, but only a change of rules. See it as a chance to reinvent and attract more good things your way.

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