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Style Scouting: Vol. 20

Over the past week even with a few problems happening, like cable and internet service going down and having to be deal with it, I did manage to get a few things checked off my “to-do” list. The biggest was finishing the makeover of my kitchen table. It came out better than I expected, yet different.

I also put a plan into motion on how I am going to decorate the house for the holidays. This year I want to make the holidays and house feel extra special so that it is cozy and festive pretty much starting now – still keeping the fall touches around for few more weeks and then going full out for Christmas.

I think the year we have had is making me yearn for a very cozy old-fashioned holiday at home.

The best part of the week though was Ed and I taking a short trip to Virginia to see our daughter’s and granddaughter for a few days. It was so nice to be able to see them in person and just hang out and enjoy family time.

Whenever we visit them, I like to head to the Pottery Barn store in Charlottesville for decorating inspiration since I don’t have a store near me. I was hoping to see more holiday decor on display, but was told by the salesperson that they haven’t gotten a lot of holiday merchandise in yet and if I wanted something in particular, I should order it online. Sad, but another economic fallout from the pandemic – stores not stocked like they normally would be at this time of the year. 🙁

Up on the blog this week I will be sharing a few projects with you, starting with my kitchen table makeover So stay tuned.

For now – here are a few things I found inspiring this week:

  • I love the DIY round mirror this blogger made for her entryway.
  • When your daily life get busy… How to relax.
  • One of my favorite books and 1940’s era movies has been remade on Netflix. I plan to watch it tonight. Have you watched it?

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In My Own Style


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