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What’s The Difference Between An Interior Designer And Architect?

If you plan on building the home of your dreams, you need to work with a team of professionals to make it happen. The professional that you’ll first think about is an architect or an interior designer.  

When it comes to a house construction project, both the architect and interior designer play significant roles. The reason is their prominent role in turning your vision a reality. Sadly, many are still uncertain about the difference between an architect and an interior designer. The work profile of architects and interior designers are strikingly the same, mainly with designing. Most confuse these overlapping professions, believing that an architect and an interior designer are the same. 

If you want to start making your dream home a reality soon, it pays to check out first the contrast between an interior designer and an architect. 

What Is The Role Of An Architect?

An architect is responsible for the overall structure and façade of a house. In a project, an architect will incorporate elements in a space to make it attractive or functional.  

The architect also plans out the basic structure of the house or building, including the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, bathroom, and garden, among others, depending on the client’s preferences. An architect and the interior designer should know the client’s budget, needs, as well as the building codes. Learn more about architecture and interior design services at April Hamilton’s Surrey Store

Getting a bachelor’s degree, an internship, and passing the national exam are the requirements for becoming an architect. Most architects work for architectural or engineering firms in an office environment, but need to visit a site to oversee every project they’re managing. An architect should have good analytical and problem-solving skills to develop design plans that fit with clients’ preferences while following building codes.  

Here are some of the roles of an architect: 

  • Creates the design of a house or building 
  • Receives training on fabricating a structure that complies with local, state, and national building codes  
  • Focuses on the technical requirements in a project, such as the materials, form, climate, ventilation, lighting, flooring, etc. 

Architects working together

What Is The Role Of An Interior Designer?

An interior designer is a professional who utilizes a creative perspective to arrange an interior space, depending on a client’s needs. In most cases, a bachelor’s degree is necessary. Some states even require a license.  

Interior designers might do their work in the office, but some need to go to the site of a current project they’re supervising. The work hours can vary and might follow a flexible schedule, depending on the needs of the clients. Aside from the profession’s creative and artistic aspects, an interior designer must pay close attention to details and have good communication skills.  

Interior designers plan out how a home’s interiors will look by embellishing the spaces in a house or building, depending on the function. In a house project, the interior designer will decide on the color scheme, position of different furniture, elements that complement each other, and many more. 

Here are some of the roles of an interior designer: 

  • Designs the interior of a house or building, such as the fixtures, furniture, and other accessories, to achieve the desired function or look 
  • Receives training in creating good quality and functional interior space  
  • Focuses on the human psychology and emotional aspects of spaces  


There are vital points that set apart an interior designer from an architect. In any construction project, an architect and interior designer will work together with other construction professionals. If you have a future project, you will work with both professionals to help you create the ideal dream home.

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