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What to Do If Your House Has a Termite Problem

Termites are a nasty problem to deal with. You might not even know that you’ve been affected by them until the damage is done. Getting treatment for termites is very important to prevent any expensive damage to your property.

You don’t need to be terrified of termites, but you should be knowledgeable about telltale signs that can alert you to their presence and save you a big headache in the future. Catching the problem early on can be a real lifesaver for your wallet!

termite infestationWhy are termites such a big deal?

Termites are small, ant-like insects that love to feed on organic matter. They mostly eat wood but are also fond of plastic, paper, and drywall. They don’t generally bite people unless they’re bothered, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore them.

Many homes today are designed with materials that are essentially a feast for termites. These bugs can cause up to $ 5 billion in property damage every year.

Termites are no laughing matter. You should be adequately prepared to deal with them if the need should arise.

How to tell if you have termites

Familiarize yourself with some common signs of termites so you know what to look for in the case of an infestation.

Flying termites

Some termites have the ability to fly, which means they can get around very quickly. If you see some flying insects or bugs around, they might be termites.

Termite droppings

As termites feed, they’ll leave behind tiny droppings. Being able to identify these droppings can make it much easier to determine if you have termites.

Hollow-sounding wood

If you tap on wood in your home and it sounds hollow, that could be a sign that termites are active in that area. They remove the wood and make it sound hollow. So if you have floorboards that start sounding suspicious when you walk on them, it might be time for an inspection.

Loosening wood tiles

Wood tiles can become loose as termites eat away at them. This could be visible at a point in your home where there’s a lot of wood.

Squeaky wood tiles

Wood can start squeaking as the wood rubs against other pieces. When termites get rid of some wood, more space opens up, and there’s more room for the wood to move. 

Mud tunnels

Mud tunnels are one way that termites travel from the ground to the home. The tunnels can lead to the foundation, which is certainly something to be on the lookout for.

White “ants”

There aren’t any types of ants that are white. So if you think you see white ants, they’re probably termites. They look very similar and most people just brush them off as ants. But not realizing that they’re really termites can be a very costly mistake! Keep your wits about you when witnessing pests around your home or yard.

Hard-to-open doors and windows

Termite damage can cause doors and windows to close or shut improperly, making them harder to open. If you realize this is the case, it might mean that the moisture caused by termite feeding has warped the surrounding wood to cause these issues.

Termite wings

When termites swarm to a new colony, they do so by flying there. Once they arrive, they’ll shed their wings because they don’t need them any longer. Finding these scattered wings about your property generally means that termites are present, so take care in noting these if you happen to come across them.

There are many other indications of termites, but you might not be able to tell all of them on your own. Make sure to have an annual inspection done by a local pest control provider. The last thing you want is to have a termite infestation that could have been easily prevented with the help of a professional.

How to deal with termite damage

One of the first things you should do if you suspect termite damage is to contact a specialist like Moxie Pest Control, a premier provider of pest control in Kansas City. They’ll be able to do an inspection and determine the cause of the damage. If the damage is caused by termites, they’ll provide eradication services.

Before contacting the pest control provider, talk with some neighbors to see if they’ve experienced termite damage before. This might happen once or twice a year in your area, and you might learn exactly when you should have the inspection done. Or maybe your neighbors don’t know about it, but your advice could help them prepare.

Having regular contact with your neighbors can also help in dealing with other common garden pests. They can give you some information regarding what type of pests are common in the area. This can give you a leg up in dealing with those pests.

Termites can be a big problem, but recognizing the signs and taking adequate precautions can diminish the damage they’re able to do. You can never go wrong in contacting local pest control providers to do an inspection. They’re here to help!

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