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What Is Contemporary Design?

When it comes to interior design, the contemporary approach is perhaps the most misconstrued. It is because in most cases, differentiating modern from contemporary is often a big challenge, especially for designers who are new in the business. Thus, let’s start by answering the big question.

Contemporary Design 1

What is contemporary design?

Well, contemporary design denotes something in the movement. It could be antique, future-oriented, modern or traditional. The catch is any interior décor ideas that people fancy in the moment qualifies as contemporary. For starters, think about trendy kitchen design ideas such as waterfall countertops. In this post, we will explore more in detail, including examples that make it easy to distinguish contemporary from other types of interior décor.

Elements of Contemporary Design

To further simplify the concept of contemporary design, and most importantly, answer the question, what does contemporary design mean; it is advisable that designers understand elements that make it stand out. Take a look.

Shades of neutral

contemparory design 2

While you can use bold or solid shades of colors in contemporary design, you should use them sparingly. Neutral color shades are a top choice among contemporary interior designers. For example, gray, black and white are often the most preferred compared to different color shades. Thus, instead of dark blue or light green, neutral green or blue makes the cut as the color choice of contemporary designers. At Caesarstone, learn more about what is contemporary interior design; especially how different colors can inspire countertop design.

If you are a designer who likes a splash of colors for accent walls, the catch with contemporary design is that you should equally go for texture. In this case, the answer to the question of what is contemporary design style means everything should feel like it looks. For example, if you go for a woody brown color, the texture should feel woody. However, for simplicity and a straightforward approach to contemporary design, mixing different neutral colors will not hurt the appeal one may desire to achieve in the kitchen or the living room.

Form Takes Precedence in Contemporary Design

While form is a predominant feature in contemporary designs, it is not an end in itself. In modern designs, a straight line always does the trick but if you choose to take a step further, contemporary design tricks set it. A little curve here and a twist there should make a big difference.  The catch here is that that form is foundational and contributes immensely to the definition of contemporary kitchen design.

While form often refers to a shape in contemporary design, in modern design spaces; you will often find designers limiting the use of neutral colors and clear cut lines. If, for example, you take a step farther to add curves to the edges of a design, it qualifies as contemporary. Also, think about installing room dividers instead of fully constructed walls. The form also includes installing nicely shaped chandelier lights and different shades of lighting to give your room a facelift.

An emphasis on natural light

Different rooms require a unique contemporary design approach. With most people asking what is a contemporary kitchen design; we would say you should not overdo the lighting.  Check out this mid-century modern design because contemporary design borrows a lot from it. Most importantly, emphasizing letting in more natural light into your kitchen instead of mixing different types of artificial options.

In cases where homeowners go with artificial lighting, some options for layering include:

  • Focus on having task lights: It could be a countertop or island lighting source hanging from the rooftop. The catch with task lights as layering lighting options is that you should focus on the purpose for which you need one.
  • Ambient light layering is another option that should jest up your kitchen design, especially if you are a contemporary designer looking for answers to the question: what is a contemporary kitchen design: As the name suggests, ambient lights are necessary for contemporary design because they illuminate your way around the cooking area. Think about track wall brackets and track lights as the best additions in this regard.
  • Accent lighting: Every interior décor designer knows about accent walls. They are the focal point in every room. It could be a wall art in your bedroom or brick-themed wallpaper in your kitchen. With accent lighting, there are several options depending on your design needs. Take, for example, track lighting, wall mounts, track and picture light. When properly used, accent lighting highlights the epitome of interior décor. Most importantly, it provides a clear understanding of the question, ‘what is contemporary design style?’

Final Thoughts

In the end, the answer to the question: what does contemporary design mean, boils down to the flair it adds to modern interior décor. Instead of entirely relying on natural lighting, accent light should highlight the fine curves on your furniture.  Take a look at these examples of contemporary designs to deepen your understanding of the concept. Most important, it is the design of now that always that blends modern, past and futuristic approaches to interior décor.

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