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Weekend Antique Finds

It’s been a while since I’ve shared my weekend antique finds. I mean, we mostly know why right? Flea markets & shops have been closed for in-person shopping due to well, read the room right? I have been antiquing online & you can see where I find antiques online [HERE]. But this past weekend I ventured in to my first antique store since all of this hit back in March… & it felt so good! I picked up a few goods & I wanted to share them as I brought them in the house today. Not necessarily styled, but in our home while I play around with them…

I’ve actually been eyeing this table since this past winter. When I walked in I couldn’t believe it was still available. I have so many places it could go since it’s so petite, but I decided to stick it here in the office for now. I love the detail on the sides, the antique pine, & of course the storage options. I’ll keep you posted on this table and how it ends up being styled.

I picked up two matching antique frames that I was trying out in our sunroom by our porch door. It was weird because the morning before we went to the antique store I was thinking about ordering two identical frames for this spot, but well… it wasn’t needed. Not sure if I will keep these paintings int he frame or switch them out, but I do love the unique frames & how well they fit in this spot.

Another item that was on my list of things to find was a rug… & wouldn’t you know that I found one? It’s rare to find a vintage rug with neutral tones that’s in great shape, & I found one on my first stop! Vintage rug tip: flip it over to see what it looks like on the other side.

The last thing I got was something that I didn’t even know I needed.. a blanket trunk! The one thing I always want readily available is blankets. I love various blanket storage, but when I saw this massive wood trunk I thought it would be a great blanket trunk in our living room. I have it shoved here in the front living room by the window, but of course I’ll update you when I find a spot for it.

So that is some of my antique finds from this weekend! I hope you enjoy taking a look at my finds. These were from Blue Door in Grand Rapid, but be sure to go and tell me over on Instagram & Facebook if you want to show more of my antique shopping adventures & antique finds. Thank you guys so much for stopping by the blog today and every single day to see what we are up to! xx

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