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Tip to Maintain a Verdant Green Lawn During the Warmer Months of the Year

Gardens serve as a place of relaxation and a refuge from the world around us. Whether enjoying a day with a group of friends or simply lounging during the evening and staring at the overhead stars, these tranquil environments serve to define our home. The good news is that warmer weather provides us with endless hours of peace and quiet. However, we should also keep in mind that the harsh rays of the sun can have a devastating effect upon grass. Grassy lawns can turn brown and in severe cases, even die. This is why it is a good idea to take a quick look at how you can protect your lawn from solar rays in order to enjoy a green garden regardless of the exterior conditions.

Mowing Suggestions

Some of the most sensitive portions of any piece of grass is its root system. When the temperatures outside begin to rise, water that is contained within the soil will evaporate. This can cause issues in terms of the health of your lawn. The best way to avoid such a scenario is to set your lawnmower blades so that they leave approximately three inches (eight to ten centimetres) of grass remaining.


First and foremost, this method will enable the blades of grass to provide a greater degree of shade to any roots that are close to the surface. Secondly, taller blades of grass will force the roots to descend deeper into the ground. As a result, it will be easier to tap into any water that remains.

Keeping the Soil Hydrated

Irrigation is obviously important during the summer months. This is why the majority of homes are equipped with a garden pump connected to an on-site sprinkler system. These networks can be timed to provide your lawn with water at specific intervals (such as in the early morning or the early evening). Still, how much water is too much?

One of the first signs that your lawn has become over-hydrated involves locations where the water has begun to pool. The presence of weeds and mould could also indicate that you need to slightly cut back on how often you are watering the lawn. Some species of grass can likewise becomes harmed by an excessive amount of water. Keep an eye out for any type of yellowing or discolouration. When in doubt, it is wise to speak with a landscape specialist or to consult with the service that initially provided the grass.


These are two of the most effective methods which can help to ensure that your lawn remains healthy during the summer months. Of course, other tips such as checking to see that the water pump is functioning properly and asking a neighbour to look after the garden when you take a holiday are likewise useful.

Your garden is a very real form of investment and if you are able to treat it as such, there is no doubt that it will return the favour by providing you with an utterly charming atmosphere.

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