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The Perfect Gift: Easy Painted Egg Cartons

DIY: Easy Painted Egg Cartons

Text and images by Amy Christie for Design Mom.

There is a good chance your egg usage during this month is a bit higher than other times of the year. So I’m guessing you may have a few empty egg cartons laying around. I’ve always had trouble throwing them out because, gosh, I can probably make something with them, right?! Yes! The answer is yes! The cartons make seasonally-perfect gift boxes.

Each tiny cup is a perfect spot to nestle little gifts, treats, ornaments or cascarones. And with a simple paint job, they’re super cute to boot!

DIY: Easy Painted Egg CartonsDIY: Easy Painted Egg CartonsDIY: Easy Painted Egg CartonsDIY: Easy Painted Egg Cartons

The carton is a blank canvas of possibilities, calling out for cheerful stripes or dots. Let’s paint!


– egg cartons*
– craft paints
– brushes
-treats and trinkets to fill them

*I searched online for plain egg cartons and unless you would like to purchase 25-100+, I didn’t find any viable options. I found my flat-topped cartons in the organic section of my grocery store. I did have to peel off the labels but beyond that, they were perfect.

There aren’t real, official steps for this one. It’s a paint-as-you-wish-decorate-as-you-want kind of project. I painted the outside of each a solid color. Because there was a little writing on the inside cover, I painted it too.

After the carton was dry, I added very simple dots and stripes. For dots, you could use anything that will make a round shape — even the stick end of a paint brush!

DIY: Easy Painted Egg CartonsDIY: Easy Painted Egg Cartons

Then, when all the paint has fully dried, fill it to the brim with the tiniest of treats or gifts. You could use toy animals, ornaments for an Easter Tree, decorated eggs, jewelry, hair bows, favorite candies — whatever you like! Tuck them into each little cup amongst some Easter grass.

Tie it up with a bow and gift it to your favorite person. These would be cute in a big Easter basket for kids, or you could fill a carton with fine chocolates for a friend. They are just so happy and spring-like! I’m sure they will bring a smile to whomever receives them.

Happy making. And happy Easter!

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