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The most beautiful…cookware? Yes!

Hello there! I’ve been busy working on some projects that I can’t wait to show you! And the Christmas stuff will be coming out soon. I don’t even want to hear how early it is — let me have my joy this year! 😉 
I don’t think I’ve ever blogged about cookware before. But here I am. Ha! I couldn’t resist sharing this with you because I am SO impressed with it and it’s just crazy pretty. Yes, pretty pots and pans. I love when form and function meet! 
A YouTuber I follow recently shared these pretty pans and I immediately went to find them online. They were SO lovely — there are a few color options but she picked the black and brass option: 
Black and brass cookware

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They’re the Thyme and Table brand through Walmart — I hadn’t heard of them before so even though I was all googly eyed about the looks, I went through the ratings first. It had nearly five stars so I hit the purchase button and waited patiently for my set to arrive.
I was even more impressed when I opened them up! They are truly beautiful. So weird to say that about cookware!:
thyme and table black cookware
I’ve been looking to replace our pots and pans for years, but didn’t want to spend a ton of money. We’ve had ours for so long I can’t even remember when we purchased them. 
I knew as soon as I saw this set that it was the one! I mean…look at them!: 
pretty black and brass cookware
They also come in a pretty navy blue and brass, stainless and blue and there’s also a rainbow set that’s really pretty.
But I was taken with the classic look of the black and brass. I love the speckled gold inside: 
Walmart black cookware
The set also comes with four protector pads: 
Thyme and table cookware protectors
I was so pleased with the set I ended up purchasing the five quart sauté pan as well. (The set comes with the 3.5 quart size):
pretty black and brass pots and pans
Aren’t they lovely? They make me happy and I get a little giddy when I pull one out to cook. Hey…if it helps make cooking more fun, go for it, right? 
By the way, I know I keep talking about the looks, but they perform really well too. I’ve used a few of the pans and they cook evenly, nothing sticks (so far) and they are crazy easy to clean. I love them:
Walmart pretty cookware
I usually use the protectors only between pans, but this time I placed them underneath as well. Hopefully this will keep them from rubbing against each other. 
I’ll let you know how these hold up over time! I got two sauté pans with lids, two skillets, two sauce pans with lids and a dutch oven with lid for under $ 130. The big set was under $ 100. 
I feel like an adult now — it’s the first time in 45 years I’ve had a matching set! These would make a GREAT gift this holiday season. Have you seen this beautiful cookware? I’m not sure if they sell them in the stores or not. 
Here are the links again if needed: 

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