Home / The Market / The Margin: Coronavirus travel ban creates chaos at U.S. airports in echo of 2017

The Margin: Coronavirus travel ban creates chaos at U.S. airports in echo of 2017

The ban on travel to the United States by non-U.S. citizens from Europe announced at midweek by President Trump in an Oval Office address that raised more questions than it put to rest — and expanded after the fact to include the previously excluded European countries Ireland and the United Kingdom — appeared to be creating havoc late Saturday at major U.S. airports including those in Dallas, New York and Chicago.

See: Here’s why Trump said he excluded the U.K. from his Europe travel ban

Plus: ‘Symptomatic of the lack of policy coordination’: Here’s what Wall Street analysts are saying about Trump’s speech

Also read: Thousands arriving from China and Europe at U.S. airports have faced no coronavirus screening

Some firsthand and other accounts and unvetted commentary as disseminated late Saturday via social media:

In Illinois, dignitaries including the governor, J.B. Pritzker, and Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, expressed frustration, noting that border-control procedures at O’Hare and other airports fall under federal, rather than state or municipal, jurisdiction:

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