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The Best Farmhouse Topiaries

We took a trip to a greenhouse! It’s been pretty gloomy, cold, and snowy here in Michigan and we all needed a little pick me up. So we decided to take a trip to a greenhouse and get a few more plants for our house. If you are someone who is affected by the weather I highly recommend doing this. It is warm & earthy and boosts my mood right away when I’m there! This greenhouse we went to has some of my favorite topiaries that we have in our home. Here are a few that are my current favorites:

Myrtle Topiaries.

I love how perfect myrtle is. The perfect green. The perfect shape. The perfect look especially in a topiary style like this with that perfect orange pot. Myrtle is pretty easy to care for, but don’t forget to water her!


The best smelling topiary around. I could have a million of these in our home for the smell alone, but they are also so gorgeous! A little more finicky than a lot of our plants, but so worth it for that perfect cozy farmhouse vibe that they give!

Aluminum Plant.

Hardy and the perfect little green guy to fit anywhere in our home when I need just a little pop of life somewhere. Easy to care for and low maintenance. My middle name! These little guys are super affordable and truly work in any style home. A classic go-to!

Bolivian Jew Plant-

I love how large and crawling these guys get!! I love using them in a vignette in our home on their own. It’s so big that it needs nothing else to make a big statement.

You guys know I love faux plants & I definitely have a lot of them in our house! Faux plants are great for the winter months, rooms that don’t get a lot of sun, and to help balance your budget as real plants can get expensive to purchase each year. But there is just something about having real plants in our home that I love. I find so much joy & relaxation in watering our plants and taking care of them. I try to have at least one real plant in each room of our home because I find it really brightens my mood!

I’ve had a few requests from those who live in Michigan to share this greenhouse but it is for wholesale only so they are not open to the public. I know it can be hard to find a good greenhouse to go to in the winter months. So if you live in the West Michigan area, I wanted to share a few other greenhouses around here that I love:

If you want to order some of these plants online that you see in this greenhouse, I highly recommend checking out Passiflora! Passiflora is local to Michigan and I love supporting small shops like theirs. They have a handful of plants that you can shop through on their website & then they will ship the plant right to your house. We also carry them at our shop, The Found Cottage, if you are ever in our area!

I wanted our plants in the sunroom to add a little extra greenery and life to this area of the house! I brought a bench into the sunroom & then layered all of the plants on the bench. This is a super-easy way to add plants to any room. The plants I’m using on this bench are all different types of rosemary. We spend a lot of time in our sunroom … so I’m really happy to have greenery in here!

Hope you guys enjoyed this little peek at our plant collection. We had so much fun at the greenhouse this week, it was exactly what we needed. We are getting ready for spring over here, whether it’s coming now or later. If you are looking for some tips on keeping your houseplants happy, check out my post [HERE] for some quick tips! Before you leave the blog I have a quick favor to ask, I’d love to know what your favorite house plants are? Let me know in the comments. Xx Liz Marie

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