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Tall House Updates

In this week’s updates, we talk about what’s happening in the laundry room, and the latest progress in the bathrooms.

I’m trying not to get ahead of myself, but I think we might see another big push next week. Grant, who handles the plaster and painting, will be back on Tuesday (he’s been away for his wedding and honeymoon!). His first project is going to be painting the bathrooms — we’re using Schoolhouse White (Farrow & Ball) on the walls, and I’m choosing the trim color today.

After the painting, the fixtures can be installed. That includes bathtubs, showers, toilets, vanity cabinets, sinks, faucets, lighting, and outlets + switches. Which would be so exciting!!

I laugh thinking about the bathroom progress, because even when all the fixtures are installed, there are still some things we’ll need to wait on. I won’t make final decisions on things like towel rods/hooks, toilet paper holders, mirrors, and accessories, until everything else is in place. I want to sit in the room at that point and take some time to really think through storage and function before I make those last purchases.

Other progress coming up: we are delivering the radiators to the sandblaster (this week I think).

On somedays, I visit the house and it’s feels like it’s getting close! But on other days, it seems like the work will never end. This week has felt never-ending renovation-wise, so I hope next week will feel like progress.

How about you? Any projects you’re excited about this week?

P.S. — More Tall House updates.

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