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Tag Archives: Trump

Capitol Report: Fauci says he used poor choice of words when describing Trump coronavirus efforts

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday tried to clarify comments he made in a Sunday interview about the Trump administration’s coronavirus response, and said he used a “poor choice of words.” At a White House news conference, Fauci, a health-policy adviser to Trump, said he wanted to clear up an answer …

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The Wall Street Journal: Trump wants his signature to appear on coronavirus stimulus checks

WASHINGTON — President Trump signed a roughly $ 2 trillion stimulus package into law, hours after House lawmakers hustled back to the Capitol to pass the aggressive response to the coronavirus pandemic that has staggered the U.S. economy. Read now: Will you get a $ 1,200 check from the $ …

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Key Words: Bill Gates on Trump call for quick end to lockdown: It’s tough to tell people ‘keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner’

‘There really is no middle ground, and it’s very tough to say to people, “Hey, keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, [and] ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner. We want you to keep spending because there’s maybe a politician who thinks GDP growth is all …

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Key Words: Trump touts ‘biggest stock market rise in history yesterday,’ but many investors believe worst isn’t over amid coronavirus panic

‘BIGGEST STOCK MARKET RISE IN HISTORY YESTERDAY!’ President Donald Trump That is Trump on Saturday morning, referencing the Friday surge by the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +9.36% , the S&P 500 index SPX, +9.29% and the Nasdaq Composite COMP, +9.35% , which constituted the major equity benchmarks’ biggest daily percentage …

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Trump halts interest payments on student loan debts during coronavirus pandemic

One part of President Donald Trump’s answer to the financial fallout from the coronavirus pandemic is a freeze on collecting interest on student loan payments. “It’s a big thing for a lot of students left in the middle right now,” Trump said Friday afternoon in a Rose Garden address declaring …

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Key Words: Scholar to Trump and Pence: ‘You can’t insult science’ and then expect it to work on demand for coronavirus

Getty Images President Donald Trump addresses the nation Wednesday night from the Oval Office about the widening coronavirus. Known as COVID-19, the pandemic has infected more than 109,000 people and killed more than 3,800 people in 105 countries. ‘I don’t expect politicians to know Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetism or the …

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Trump Today: Trump pins market drop on oil-price fight, ‘fake news’ with advisers set to present coronavirus response options

President Donald Trump on Monday blamed Saudi Arabia and Russia’s dispute over oil prices, plus what he called “fake news,” for steep stock-market losses, as he was set to be briefed on policy options for responding to the coronavirus. The main U.S. stock indexes DJIA, -4.82% SPX, -4.75% COMP, -4.36% …

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Personal Finance Daily: Trump disputes WHO’s coronavirus fatality rate and the brands millennials and boomers don’t agree on

Barron’s wants to recognize people and organizations whose products, services, or education programs are making an impact to improve the financial health of individuals across the U.S. Be sure to head to barrons.com/celebrates for more information and to submit a nomination by March 15 for the Barron’s Celebrates: Financial Empowerment …

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Key Words: Here’s why Mitt Romney’s ‘footprints’ will be the most important thing to come out of the impeachment of Donald Trump

Fifty years from now, Mitt Romney’s speech will ultimately emerge as the most important thing to come out of the impeachment of Donald Trump, according to Eliot A. Cohen, dean of the Johns Hopkins University SAIS and former State Department counselor under Condoleezza Rice. ‘From our grandchildren’s point of view, …

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