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Tag Archives: thinking

Thinking About Buying a Snow Blower? Here are 4 Must-have Features You Need to Consider

Not all snow blowers are built equal. While they can be a huge help during those tough winter months, the features you choose can make or break your experience during those big snowfalls. So if you’re considering a snow blower this winter, we got 4 must-have features you should get …

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“Out of the Decorating Box” Thinking For a Win

Pin Share Tweet Back in the spring, when Ed and I were adding white planked ceilings to the guest rooms, we had a slight mishap. At the time, I didn’t think it was anything major, but I soon found out I was wrong. It turned into a months-long quest to …

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Thinking of moving from the city to the suburbs amid the pandemic? 5 financial factors you should consider first

Sick of being cramped inside a small apartment where you now not only live, but work and teach your kids, too? You’re far from alone these days. But buying a home and moving to the suburbs is far from a fool-proof decision from a financial perspective, even in an era …

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Thinking Ahead to Fall Decorating

Pin Share Tweet Notice the title of this post is… thinking ahead to fall decorating, as I am not quite ready to actually decorate my house for fall yet. It has been on my mind now that summer is slowly winding down. Fall Mantel DIY Ideas I have been reflecting …

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The Tell: Stock-market expert says what many are thinking as Dow sheds 3,600 points in a week: ‘This market is not normal’

The breadth and intensity of this week’s coronavirus-fueled selloff in U.S. stocks has some analysts scratching their heads. Thomas Lee, founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, may be one of the few to acknowledge that something isn’t right with a market that was just enjoying a record close days ago. “This …

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