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Tag Archives: taxes.’

Help Me Retire: We have $1.6 million but most is locked in our 401(k) plans — how can we retire early without paying so much in taxes?

Dear MarketWatch,  I am trying to come up with a path to retire within the next two to three years and need some help. I will be 54 this summer and my wife is 48. Between us we make about $ 210,000 a year. We currently have about $ 1.6 …

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The Moneyist: My parents claimed me on their 2019 taxes and received my 3rd stimulus check, but I don’t qualify based on my 2020 taxes. Will the IRS ask for it back?

Dear Quentin, I’m confused. My parents claimed me on their 2019 taxes (which was fine and agreed upon). However, I got married and filed my own 2020 taxes. When the third stimulus checks were released, my parents had not filed their 2020 taxes yet, so they received stimulus money for …

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Outside the Box: Here’s how you can save money on capital-gains taxes when you sell your home

You no longer must buy another home in order to claim the capital-gains exemption. An earlier version of this article incorrectly said you had to. Dear Ms. MoneyPeace: My first wife died in 2013 and I remarried in 2014. My will gives my wife my house. I have owned four …

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The Moneyist: My husband and his ex-wife agreed that he could claim their kids on his taxes, but now she’s ‘demanding’ half their stimulus

Dear Quentin, My husband received a text from his ex-wife demanding part of the latest stimulus check for their two children. My husband received their stimulus checks for their boys because in their divorce settlement he was granted the ability to claim both boys as dependents on his taxes for …

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Where Should I Retire?: I want to retire in a college town with warm weather and lower taxes — where should I go?

Dear Catey, We are a physician and engineer couple planning to retire in 10 to 15 years. After spending most of our adult lives in several cold places (Wisconsin and Illinois, among them), we would like to move south and retire there. Our plan is to take up jobs in …

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TaxWatch: Did you refinance your mortgage last year? Here’s how it could affect your taxes

As interest rates plummeted throughout 2020, mortgage refinancing became a major avenue to saving money in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. But those who took the plunge need to be aware of how opting to refinance could affect their taxes insofar as deductions are concerned. The Mortgage Bankers Association …

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The Moneyist: My husband and his brother inherited their family home. Our son lived there for 4 years. We paid $60K on taxes and repairs after a fire. Do we still split it 50/50?

Dear Quentin, My husband and his brother inherited their family home. When they were able to take possession our son and his family needed a place to live. The brother was quite willing to let them move in and, in lieu of paying him rent for his 50%, my husband …

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TaxWatch: Need to report bitcoin trades on your taxes? Here are 5 things to know first

Treasury Department Secretary Janet Yellen is not big on bitcoin, a point she reiterated recently when she called the digital currency speculative and “inefficient.” That doesn’t mean Yellen and the department she leads — which includes the Internal Revenue Service — don’t care about the cryptocurrency. Now that it’s income …

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Where Should I Retire?: I’m looking for a cannabis-friendly red-leaning state with no state income taxes — where should I retire on $60,000 a year?

Dear MarketWatch, I’d like to retire in a no (or low) state-income-tax state near water and a state or national park. I want red politics but with (hopefully) legal pot (medical or recreational), and weather that isn’t too cold. I’d compromise on the pot for Texas, if necessary.  I don’t …

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