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Tag Archives: Tackle

10 Home Improvements You Must Tackle This Spring

Spring is the perfect time to tackle household chores ranging from AC maintenance and gutter cleaning to organizing and pressure washing. And, of course, there’s spring cleaning! The 4 Seasons of Home Ownership is a curated collection of how-to videos, articles and tips to keep your home running smoothly throughout …

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10 Home Improvements You Must Tackle This Summer

Today’s Homeowner’s 4 Seasons of Home Ownership is a curated collection of how-to videos, articles and tips to keep your home running smoothly throughout the year. The summer checklist focuses mainly on the exterior of the house, paying close attention to the siding and trim, fencing and gates, outdoor furniture …

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5 Concrete DIY Projects to Tackle Today (So Simple!)

Creating something with your own two hands is always special, whether it’s structural, functional or enhances your home decor. These concrete DIY projects are fast, easy and affordable to tackle. A leaning fence has structural issues, but they’re easily solved with a bag of Quikrete Fast-Setting Concrete. 1. Leaning Fence …

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