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Tag Archives: Successful

The Moneyist: I lost my job at 55 and started my own successful business. I now constantly get texts from friends and former coworkers asking how I did it. What do I do?

Dear Quentin, I read your column regularly. I never thought that I would reach out to you with my own issues. But I was wrong. I’m hoping you can help on how best to handle this situation. In 2016, I lost my long-term job. The company simply went through serious …

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5 Skills Needed To Be a Successful Glazier

A glazier is a tradesperson who specializes in glass related jobs. They are in charge of installing, measuring and repairing glass in houses, offices and malls. They are also responsible for choosing the right glass for each different job, making sure the glass installed is watertight, removing broken window panels …

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4 Steps for Starting a Hugely Successful Landscaping Business

If you are an expert landscaper with a dream of being your own boss, don’t be afraid to take the leap and achieve your goals. Starting a new business can be intimidating, but if you carefully plan out your goals and next steps, the process becomes easier than you might …

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5 Pro Tips for a Successful Hunting Trip

Hunting is a sport as old as time itself. Whether it was predatory animals chasing prey or the earliest humans tracking for meat, hunting was the root of the most basic human instinct, survival. However, hunting methods have taken a more modernized turn. From amateur arrows, hunting equipment has evolved …

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5 Successful Secret of Excelling in Life Professionally

How Frequent have you seen someone coming out of a lavish sports car with a smiling face and enjoying his or her life? The answer is maybe every single time. Do you know how the rich or we can say successful people achieve this certain position in their life, which …

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A Pro’s Guide to Successful Carpet Cleaning

Understanding the problem Carpet cleaning is typically taken for granted by both homeowners and office managers in which, after a few years, the carpet loses its original beauty often assumed as due to fading instead of embedded dirt and stains. Most people are unaware that dirty carpets can impede airflow …

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