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Tag Archives: strategies

Outside the Box: When and how will I retire? 3 strategies to get you there

How do we get from here to retirement? Amid the financial markets’ daily turmoil, it might seem like one big crapshoot. But in truth, navigating this journey is pretty straightforward, because there are just five key variables—our time horizon, current nest egg, savings rate, target nest egg and investment return. …

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Tax Guy: What does Joe Biden’s win mean for your year-end tax planning? Here are two strategies to consider

Here are some strategies to consider to lower your 2020 tax bill and hopefully position you for tax savings in future years too, in light of President-elect Joe Biden’s tax proposals. Photo by ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images With year-end rapidly approaching and the general election finally over, it’s time …

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Strategies Online

Strategies Online https://www.strategiesonline.net Home Improvement Blog Fri, 16 Oct 2020 20:46:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.3 https://www.strategiesonline.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/cropped-cropped-strategies-online-logo2-32×32.jpgStrategies Onlinehttps://www.strategiesonline.net 32 32 What you should consider while you are making a repair in the apartmenthttps://www.strategiesonline.net/what-you-should-consider-while-you-are-making-a-repair-in-the-apartment/ Fri, 16 Oct 2020 20:44:18 +0000 https://www.strategiesonline.net/?p=98884 Repair and redevelopment of an apartment is a troublesome and …

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Howard Gold’s No-Nonsense Investing: Pioneer of target-date funds looks to the future: hedging and ‘tail-risk’ strategies

Investment-research firm Morningstar recently bestowed an “Outstanding Portfolio Manager” award on Jerome Clark of T. Rowe Price, a pioneer in developing target funds for the Baltimore-based mutual fund giant. It was recognition for Clark himself, who along with his team members, launched T. Rowe’s first target-date funds in 2002, a …

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