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Tag Archives: smallbusiness

Dispatches from a Pandemic: ‘I have a mortgage to pay’: Sex workers banned from small-business loans under CARES Act due to ‘prurient sexual nature’

Like many self-employed Americans, Andre Shakti has lost most of her income over the past few weeks. Most of the clients who used to see her in person have stopped calling, the business where she worked as an independent contractor is closed, and a conference she co-organizes has been canceled. …

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It was fair winds and following seas for small-business owners like these ship captains. Then came coronavirus

When the tall, bearded sailing ship captain danced into her life late in 2009, Julie McKay was ready to be swept off her feet. McKay, a massage therapist, was living near Baltimore when she flirted with Hugh Covert at a contra dance at an old stone church one evening. Over …

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