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Tag Archives: sister

The Moneyist: My sister put our mother in a nursing home, where she died of COVID-19. Should I take legal action against her or the care facility?

Dear Moneyist, My sisters and I disagree on most things, but never could I have imagined how our relationship would end. My parents put me down as the trustee and power of attorney for both their health care and finances in 1985, again in 2002 when they created a trust, …

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The Moneyist: My sister moved from New York to our mom’s house due to COVID-19. She saved $11K in rent and expenses. Is that fair?

Dear Moneyist, My sister gave up her apartment in New York City and moved back home in April, shortly after COVID-19 erupted there, and has now been living rent-free with my mother for the past seven months. My sister is 42 years old and holds a full-time job with a …

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The Moneyist: ‘I’m beyond hurt’: I took care of my mom for 12 years. She wants my sister to take over and does not want to leave me her house

Dear Moneyist, I love my mother very much. I have been living with my elderly mom for the past 12-13 years. Taking her to doctors appointments and shopping for her. Over the last 6-8 years she is suffering with heart and breathing issues so the care has been much more …

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The Moneyist: ‘I feel very bitter’: My sister was my late father’s power of attorney. She kept $100K of his savings. Should I pursue legal action?

Dear Moneyist, I am a 52-year-old unemployed homemaker with various health issues that have prevented me from working over the past 10 years. (I do not receive disability). My husband works full time. I have a sister who is retired, and she and her husband net approximately $ 15,000 per …

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The Moneyist: Should I tell my sister that her husband, a notorious spender, has a secret credit card?

Dear Moneyist, I am in a tough moral situation and I don’t know what to do. My older sister and brother-in-law have been fighting about money for the past year or so. He is a big spender, not just for himself, but for the whole family, friends, and community. While …

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