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Tag Archives: send

The Moneyist: My friends’ wedding reception was canceled. They’re having a small ceremony next month. I’m invited to a party next year. Do I send a gift?

Dear Moneyist, A friend of mine is getting married next month with a handful of guests, mainly family and close friends. The wedding itself was put off because of the coronavirus pandemic, but they are having a large party next year. I was only invited to the party next year. …

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: Deodorant sales fall due to social distancing but locked down consumers send ice-cream sales soaring, says Unilever

People socializing less and working from home caused a slump in demand for personal care items like deodorant and makeup, consumer goods giant Unilever ULVR, +0.15% said on Thursday. The firm, which owns Dove soap and Axe deodorant, as well as hundreds of other brands, said lockdowns led to a …

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Market Extra: These indicators suggest a stock-market bottom, but coronavirus fears could send the S&P 500 swooning again

U.S. stocks staged an impressive rebound in the past week as the Federal Reserve and Congress have delivered unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus aimed at dampening the blow the coronavirus epidemic has dealt to the U.S. economy. The question investors must now ask themselves is whether or not the equities …

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