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Tag Archives: sectors

NewsWatch: S&P 500 earnings set to plunge as the coronavirus batters all sectors — with Wall Street counting on a bounce that may not come

MARKETWATCH FRONT PAGE The one certainty about the outlook for companies in a COVID-19 world is that second-quarter earnings will be very bad, the worst in over 10 years. See full story. The Biden-Sanders climate-change policy pact: 8 key features Presidential candidate Joe Biden has advanced environmental policy recommendations that …

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Some Americans who got laid off are going back to work — here’s which sectors are rehiring

2.7 million Americans who were temporarily laid off amid the coronavirus pandemic were rehired last month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report. But economists aren’t overly optimistic that employers will continue to rehire at that pace. The biggest gains in May were in leisure and hospitality, where …

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