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Tag Archives: scientists

Scientists pour cold water on ‘intriguing’ similarity between COVID-19 and 1918 flu

Despite early comparisons between COVID-19 and influenza, coronavirus was never going to be just another flu. It comes from a different family of viruses and it has proven far more pernicious and unpredictable. Even so, “cytokine storms,” where the immune system turns on the body by overreacting to a virus, …

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‘Don’t ever, ever underestimate the potential of the pandemic’: 5 reasons scientists say you should be afraid of COVID-19

Panicking about COVID-19 won’t help you get through the pandemic, health professionals say. And neither will treating the novel coronavirus, a highly unpredictable disease for which there is no 100% successful therapeutic treatment, with anything less than extreme caution. In short, it affects everyone differently. President Trump was released from …

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As schools reopen, scientists say some children could spread COVID-19 even if they already have the antibodies

As schools and colleges reopen across the country, scientists say social distancing remains a critical public-health response to COVID-19. New research released Thursday sheds more light on children who test positive for COVID-19, and the contagiousness of coronavirus. Children often remain asymptomatic or display very few symptoms, and the research …

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