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Tag Archives: same

The Moneyist: ‘I want to hurt him the same way he hurt me’: My husband sprung a prenup on me days before our wedding. He kept all copies

Dear Quentin, I am married and have been in the same relationship for a number of years. We have both been single parents from prior relationships. Considering our age gap, he is much more successful in life as a sole proprietor. He is more than a decade older than me. …

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Should You Refinance With the Same Lender?

Refinancing a loan with the same lender can save you time and may require less paperwork. But is it a good idea? This article takes a look at the pros and cons of refinancing with your current lender and how you can ensure you get the best deal. Rate Search: …

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: Here’s why women fund managers regularly outperform men, and seven stocks that’ll help you do the same

Maria Negrete-Gruson, manager of the Artisan Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund. Can doing well in the stock market be as simple as making sure you have a lot of women fund managers working for you? I’m skeptical, because it’s always dangerous to embrace generalities about demographic groups, flattering or pejorative. But …

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