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Tag Archives: rest

Dispatches from a Pandemic: Spain virologists say the country’s second virus wave holds a valuable lesson for the rest of the world

MADRID — Just days away from the start of a new school year, Spain’s capital city rolled out fresh restrictions on Monday to cope with what’s becoming a relentless second wave of cases. But those measures — strict controls on the distance between seats rather than tables in food-service settings, …

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Here’s what the rest of the year may hold for the stock market, according to the analysts who got the pandemic call right

There’s a lot of uncertainty in financial markets right now — and a lot of vacillating, which can sometimes feel like the same thing. Many analysts believe markets will bounce back and forth for some time, driven by headlines, not fundamentals, until some big issues — the U.S. presidential election, …

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California voters will weigh in on affirmative action in November. Here’s what that means for the rest of the country

Over the past few decades the question of whether affirmative action is an appropriate antidote to centuries of discriminatory policies have animated the court system and voting booth. As Americans have become increasingly focused on systemic racism over the past several weeks, those questions have taken on new urgency. Now, …

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