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Tag Archives: Republican’s

Capitol Report: The 730-day presidency? Haunted by 2009, Democrats see delay as Republicans’ plan

A specter stalks Democrats on Capitol Hill: the possibility of a two-year, effectively 730-day presidency for Joe Biden should Republicans win the House in 2022 and gain the power to block major legislation afterwards. Republicans have only heightened that worry early in the 117th Congress by engaging in a series …

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: Pence to make eleventh-hour ‘faith community’ appeal on behalf of Georgia Republicans Loeffler and Perdue

President Donald Trump, President-elect Joe Biden, Vice President–elect Kamala Harris and now Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, are headed to Georgia next week to try to swing next week’s Senate runoff elections in favor of their parties’ candidates. Don’t miss: Betting markets see Republican win in Georgia’s crucial runoffs, while …

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Peter Morici: Here’s exactly where Biden will find common ground with moderate Republicans

Joe Biden won the presidency but the Democratic Party—at least the more radical wing that strongly influenced his platform—didn’t won the hearts and minds of Americans. Sentiment is growing for pragmatic problem-solving and re-emphasizing shared American values. Ticket splitting down the ballot and statewide propositions would seem to indicate ordinary voters are mostly moderate. And would welcome a …

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Georgia Republicans try to keep fissures from developing over Trump’s loss ahead of U.S. Senate runoffs

A previous version of this report incorrectly described Chuck Schumer as the majority leader of the Senate. He is the minority leader. The story has been corrected. Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, has vowed to spend a lot of time in the Peach State. Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images …

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The Margin: In 2018 it was Republicans blasting Democrats as ‘sore losers’ with a ‘problem conceding defeat’

Fox News/”The Daily Show” Two years later, and the partisan shoe is on the other foot. Witness this compilation by Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” of conservative figures taking aim at the Democrats for complaining of irregularities in the conduct of 2018’s midterm elections. Stacey Abrams, notably, did not explicitly …

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: House Republicans taunt Hillary Clinton after Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation

Former Secretary of State and first lady Hillary Clinton, seen in a March file photo. AFP/Getty Images Some House Republicans celebrated Monday night’s Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court by taunting Hillary Clinton, whose election loss to Donald Trump four years ago opened the door to …

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Capitol Report: McConnell, Rubio support House bill changing Paycheck Protection Program, but other Senate Republicans raise concerns

Some key Senate Republicans are throwing their support behind a bipartisan House bill that would give small businesses more time to use Paycheck Protection Program loans and let borrowers spend less of their loan proceeds on payroll, but other GOP senators have concerns about the measure, potentially preventing swift action …

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Capitol Report: House set to pass $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package today, but Kentucky Republican’s move may delay voting

The House on Friday debated a $ 2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package to help the U.S. economy cope with the pandemic, and while the chamber is expected to pass the massive bill it may be through a slower voting process because of a Republican congressman’s objections. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi …

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