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Tag Archives: repeats

Key Words: Trump acknowledges Biden presidential election win for first time—but ‘concedes nothing,’ repeats unfounded claim of ‘rigged’ vote

Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted his first tacit acknowledgment of former Vice President Joe Biden’s election victory, but continued to claim the democratic election was “rigged” and fraudulent without providing any evidence and after other agencies have deemed the voting process one of the most secure in U.S. history. On …

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In One Chart: What will the stock market look like in a post-coronavirus world? The bulls are hoping history repeats itself

The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +2.99% ended a four-week stretch Friday with a total return approaching 30%, bouncing back from its worst first-quarter performance in history. As the worst pandemic in a century continues to take its toll on the global economy, investors, with no clear end in sight, …

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