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Tag Archives: Reduce

The Moneyist: Our housekeeper does not work when we’re at home due to COVID-19. We still pay her. Could we treat those payments as a ‘gift’ to reduce her income tax?

Dear Moneyist, Due to the 2020 global pandemic my wife and I have been concerned about indoor exposure to others. We are fortunate enough that we can work from home so we are always here, and no one else is allowed in our home. Because of this, we have tried …

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6 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Neck Pain

Neck pains are pesky and can stop you from doing your daily routines properly. It can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep and disturb you throughout the day, In this article, we’ll talk about some simple ways you can reduce your neck pain. We provide some quick tips …

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Tips to Reduce Your Cost Of Living

Many positive and negative factors determine the cost of living. Fortunately, you can play around these determinants to enjoy a high-quality life affordably. This post shares actionable insights to help you make the most out of your limited income. Change Your Mindset Ego can keep you paying for higher house-keeping …

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How to Stop the Foreclosure Process & Reduce Your Payments

Times are tough and some people are falling behind on their mortgage payments and could be facing foreclosure in the near future. If you’re facing financial hardship and are looking into how you can avoid foreclosure this article examines programs that will stop the foreclosure process and reduce your monthly …

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11 ways to reduce winter energy bills and still be comfy

With the holidays just around the corner, many of us have started to drag out our heavier sweaters and winter coats, hoping warmer temps last a bit longer but being on the safe side just in case. Once winter arrives, all bets are off, and if you live in colder …

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How to Reduce Water Usage: 9 Little-Known Tips

Implementing ways to reduce water usage is good for the environment as well as our bank accounts. With many parts of the world experiencing drought, it is more important than ever for individuals to consciously consider their water usage. There are several ways to reduce water usage that don’t take …

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