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Tag Archives: past

Help Me Retire: I’m 52, won’t live past 80 and have $1.6 million. ‘I am tired of both the rat race and workplace politics.’ Should I retire?

Hi, I started working when I was 19 and have been saving half of my salary since my mid-20s. Now at 52, I am tired of both the rat race and workplace politics. With the virus, it feels even worse. I have saved about $ 800,000 in trading, $ 800,000 …

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Boris Johnson to unveil plan to get economy moving, saying Britain is ‘past the peak’ of the coronavirus pandemic

Boris Johnson declared on Thursday that Britain was “past the peak” of the coronavirus outbreak and was now on a downward slope. The Tory prime minister used his first appearance at the government’s daily pandemic briefing since leaving hospital to give more details about the five conditions he says must …

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Market Snapshot: What can Fed do to heal a coronavirus-stricken stock market that has seen $4.3 trillion in value vanish over past 7 sessions?

A historic week for the stock market ended with a big, fat question: What will the government and the Federal Reserve do about the coronavirus outbreak that threatens to decimate the longest-running bull market on record? The infectious disease, COVID-19, which reportedly originated in Wuhan, China, late last year, reached …

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