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Tag Archives: Outside

Outside the Box: These homeowners are seeking mortgage forbearance and their reasons why say a lot about the economy

As the COVID-19 crisis has metastasized into an economic recession, millions of Americans are struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. I fundamentally believe that losing one’s job shouldn’t mean also losing one’s home. This is a core lesson that I learned from the 2008 financial crisis, when I was …

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Outside the Box: 6 things the best bosses know will help workers and companies thrive in a recession

We often look to the past to make decisions for the future. Yet the coronavirus pandemic presents a unique dilemma: How can we navigate circumstances that none of us has ever experienced?  The implications of this pandemic — and the steps taken by public health officials, political leaders and corporate …

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Outside the Box: These 4 groups of funders are uniquely positioned to help close the racial wealth gap

The dual plagues of the pandemic and racial inequities are shining a powerful light on the cracks and gaps in our systems and revealing the horrific toll of unchecked racism that affect communities of color. I have been flooded with calls from friends, clients, allies, and partners who are not …

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Outside the Box: Hiring and promoting women police officers could bring real justice reform and make communities safer

As my brain tried processing the incompressible death of George Floyd, I filtered it through the lens of my 25 years of urban policing, and the recurring theme I continued circling to, was that of police culture.   I wasn’t the only cop grappling with what I saw. My social media pages …

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Outside the Box: The magic formula for financial freedom

Early retirement isn’t a common goal among my friends. When I talk about my semi-retirement, many assume I either made a quick buck in the stock market or benefited from some sort of financial windfall. I counter this misconception by narrating the magic formula: Financial freedom is frugality, multiplied by …

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Outside the Box: It’ll be ‘Happy MAMA Day’ when we Make America Manufacture Again

It’s understandable why so many American manufacturers moved their operations to China. They saved money on production, increased margins, and competed more effectively. Producing abroad is still more economical, but COVID-19 is reminding everyone, from President Donald Trump on down to the average Joe and Jane, that national defense and …

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Outside the Box: Warren Buffett is handling the coronavirus crisis like he mastered the Great Recession

As the coronavirus crisis unfolds, many are asking: Where is Warren Buffett? They want to hear and see more from America’s most literary and famed investor, noted for both calm and prowess in times of distress. People know the current crisis is more acute than any in living memory, including …

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Outside the Box: Debt, wealth destruction and lower pay will be coronavirus’ legacy

Policy makers often describe their approach to the COVID-19 crisis as placing the economy in hibernation or an induced coma. In that sense, the restoration of normal functioning after the patient is revived will be the true measure of success. Post-pandemic recovery will experience effects that persist after the initial …

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How To Create A Camping Spot Outside Your Home

Living a hectic life throughout the week has our bodies yearning for relaxation by the time the weekend comes around. One of the best ways to detach from the hustle and bustle and noise is to go camping. For some, however, it may not be a viable option to go …

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