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Tag Archives: Outside

Outside the Box: What is the secret to aging well?

Here’s the million, or let’s say, billion-dollar question: What is aging well and how do you do it? What’s the secret elixir? There are expert presentations on a Ted Talk playlist: How to Make You Feel Good About Getting Older. And there are droves of self-help books, exercise regimes, healthy …

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Outside the Box: 4 crucial trends involving China that investors risk getting wrong

In this exceptional year, much of our collective attention span was spent on the pandemic, the U.S. election, geopolitical tensions, and social media paroxysms. When it came to US-China in particular, there simply wasn’t enough “China” as the bilateral dynamic was regularly filtered through the prism of the pandemic and the U.S. …

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Outside the Box: When and how will I retire? 3 strategies to get you there

How do we get from here to retirement? Amid the financial markets’ daily turmoil, it might seem like one big crapshoot. But in truth, navigating this journey is pretty straightforward, because there are just five key variables—our time horizon, current nest egg, savings rate, target nest egg and investment return. …

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Outside the Box: To save thousands of lives, Congress must extend unemployment benefits and paid leave

Predictions for the coming months are dire. In much of the country, the rate of COVID-19 infections is higher than it was last spring. Vaccines are already being administered in the U.K. and should soon begin to be administered in the U.S., but the pandemic is not over yet. Epidemiologists predict that by spring 2021, when it is likely a vaccine may become more widely available, another 200,000 …

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Outside the Box: Active managers see value in these 3 company practices but indexers hate them. Who’s right?

Every corporation is unique. It follows that governance arrangements should be tailored to suit. Yet many shareholders, especially indexers, roundly condemn certain governance practices as if one size fits all.  Three corporate practices illustrate this: combining the roles of chairman and chief executive; staggered director terms, and classes of stock …

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Outside the Box: Beware of ‘zombie’ companies running rampant in the stock market

Few would dispute that the Federal Reserve’s enormous doses of monetary medicine this year were necessary to alleviate the worst economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. But every treatment comes with risks and side effects, and the aggressive intervention by the U.S. central bank added significantly to the ranks of …

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Outside the Box: Americans need another stimulus bill now to get through 9 more months of the coronavirus pandemic

The U.S. economy is recovering but there’s still a long way before it comes back to even.  With the overhang of the presidential election largely behind us, Congress should quickly pass another stimulus bill.   Although U.S. GDP rose 7.4% in the third quarter of 2020, the economy is still more …

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CityWatch: Shopping al fresco: New York City will allow stores to operate outside

Retail stores will be able to move outside in an effort to both prevent the further spread of the virus and help small-business owners. AFP/Getty Images New York City’s small businesses can soon set up shop on the city sidewalks.  Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the Open Storefronts program during …

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