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Tag Archives: myself

The Moneyist: ‘My husband has burned through all of our finances. If we divorce, I don’t want him to get one penny.’ How can I protect myself?

Dear Quentin, I live in New Jersey, which is a community property state. My husband and I have had a very rocky relationship and are contemplating divorce for the second time. My parents are both elderly but are in good health, thankfully. It has been suggested that when they die, …

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The Moneyist: ‘I have been plagued by enormous guilt and regret:’ I tried to care for my late father, but I gave up. How can I ever forgive myself?

Dear Moneyist, I am seeking advice on how to get over a terrible mistake I made. I did not care for my aged father. I am the oldest of three brothers. One of my brothers took his own life, and my other brother did not want anything to do with …

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The Moneyist: I moved into my in-laws’ home. My husband wants to pay his parents’ mortgage, but it will come out of my income. How can I protect myself?

Dear Moneyist, I got married recently and moved into my husband’s house that he shares with his parents. (His name and his parents’ name are on the deed.) Currently, we pay a small amount for rent, but my husband hopes to take on the mortgage of the house over the …

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