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Tag Archives: mother.

The Moneyist: My sister put our mother in a nursing home, where she died of COVID-19. Should I take legal action against her or the care facility?

Dear Moneyist, My sisters and I disagree on most things, but never could I have imagined how our relationship would end. My parents put me down as the trustee and power of attorney for both their health care and finances in 1985, again in 2002 when they created a trust, …

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The Moneyist: I got into debt helping my mother financially. I even bought her a home and car. Don’t I have a right to put my husband first?

Dear Moneyist, I was raised by a single mother who sacrificed and worked very hard to give me and my siblings everything we needed growing up. Throughout my life I have tried to take care of my mom as best as I can, I give her money twice a month. …

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The Moneyist: I received a financial gift from my mother. I returned it to her 5 years ago. Now that we’re divorcing, my husband says half of that money belonged to him

Dear Moneyist, I received a gift from my mother several years ago. She transferred a substantial amount of money into a bank account under my name only. My husband persuaded me to add his name to the account several months later. The money was not touched for several years. No …

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Dispatches from a Pandemic: The legally murky eviction of a North Carolina single mother — despite the CDC’s moratorium: ‘Nobody’s enforcing it’

As the nation’s attention was focused on who would be the next president the day after the Nov. 3 election, Sierra Graves was busy grabbing as many of her and her three children’s belongings as she could. Just 10 minutes later, sheriff’s deputies knocked on her apartment door to evict …

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The Moneyist: My mom asked for a divorce. My dad made his mother his pension beneficiary — then killed himself. Now my mom and grandma are feuding. Who deserves the pension?

Dear Moneyist, On May 30, 2018 my mother moved out all her belongings and informed my father that she was leaving him after 30 years of marriage, and that she would be seeking a divorce.  No papers had been filed at that point. The next day my father went to …

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The Moneyist: My stepfather and mother pooled resources to buy a home. My mom died in 2003 and he just passed away. His kids are selling their house — am I entitled to anything?

Dear Moneyist, My mother was married to our stepfather for 20 years. She died in 2003. We’ve always had a great relationship with my stepfather and it continued until his passing a few months ago. The house that they lived in was bought with the proceeds from two homes they …

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