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Tag Archives: moral

How do you choose between economic ‘deaths of despair’ and coronavirus victims? Economists, lawmakers grapple with a moral conundrum

How do you strike a balance between the country’s economic life and actual human life? Is putting America back to work sooner rather than later a Sisyphean task, the equivalent of rolling a rock perpetually uphill while up to 2 million people die of COVID-19? Or does the Sisyphean task …

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Key Words: James Carville is ‘scared to death’ the Democratic presidential hopefuls won’t fulfill their ‘one moral imperative’

James Carville’s famed Clinton-era catch phrase “It’s the economy, stupid,” was meant to serve as a constant reminder to the 1992 presidential campaign he managed to center its appeal to voters on the premise that widespread economic dissatisfaction would be remedied under the leadership of Bill Clinton. Twenty-eight years later, …

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