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Tag Archives: managers

Outside the Box: Active managers see value in these 3 company practices but indexers hate them. Who’s right?

Every corporation is unique. It follows that governance arrangements should be tailored to suit. Yet many shareholders, especially indexers, roundly condemn certain governance practices as if one size fits all.  Three corporate practices illustrate this: combining the roles of chairman and chief executive; staggered director terms, and classes of stock …

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: Here’s why women fund managers regularly outperform men, and seven stocks that’ll help you do the same

Maria Negrete-Gruson, manager of the Artisan Sustainable Emerging Markets Fund. Can doing well in the stock market be as simple as making sure you have a lot of women fund managers working for you? I’m skeptical, because it’s always dangerous to embrace generalities about demographic groups, flattering or pejorative. But …

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The Tell: Women money managers have an edge over men during the pandemic of 2020. Thank tech stocks for that

A century after winning the right to vote and in the midst of a pandemic, female fund managers are outperforming their male colleagues on Wall Street. That is according to a team of equity strategists at Goldman Sachs, who crunched the numbers in honor of 2020, which marks the 100th …

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