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Tag Archives: Long

How Long Does It Actually Take To Learn A Language?

In my latest newsletter, I wrote about the realities of moving to a new country and learning a language. I discuss what it’s like for younger kids and older kids. I share favorite resources. I talk about the other kinds of “mini-languages” that you need to learn that you might …

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How long does it take to buy a home?

The time has come. You’re done with being a renter, and you want to buy your own home. Maybe it’ll be a condo in the city. Perhaps it’ll be a single-family starter home in the countryside. Or maybe it’ll be a townhouse somewhere in-between. Whichever it is, you’re probably asking …

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FA Center: Why inflation makes holding bonds for the long run riskier than owning stocks

How long is the long term in the bond market? Would you believe 57 years? That’s how long you must be prepared to own U.S. government bonds if you want to be assured of not losing to inflation. This depressing statistic comes from the just-released 2021 edition of Credit Suisse’s …

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Key Words: Strategist overseeing $124 billion in assets hasn’t been this bullish in a long time — here are two of her favorite investments for 2021

“ ‘We’re the most bullish on the market that we’ve been in about a year.’ ” That’s Meghan Shue, head of investment strategy at Wilmington Trust, explaining to CNBC why she’s optimistic that the stock market has some upside over the next nine to 12 months. She said a combination …

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ETF Wrap: ETF Wrap: The long and short of it, and ETFs are assimilating mutual funds

What just happened? Of all the indignities wrought by 2020, the constant up-ending of our investing expectations deserves a mention. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, the on-again, off-again cyclical rotation vanishes through your fingers. So it was this past week, as financial markets bounced between vaccine …

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More than 30 states are preparing to distribute an extra $300 in unemployment benefits — but how long will that last?

More than 30 states have been approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to start distributing an extra $ 300 a week in weekly unemployment benefits. The $ 300 federal add-on results from executive actions taken by President Donald Trump this month in the form of three memos and one …

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Social-distancing ‘champions,’ one-way store traffic, long lines — the new normal for England’s shoppers

Harrods, along with thousands of other U.K. shops, opened its doors for the first time in three months on Monday as Brits emerged from lockdown and stood in long lines to buy clothing, electronics and beauty products. Figures showed footfall — or the number of people entering a shopping area …

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Mark Hulbert: Why the long run might not bail out your stock portfolio after all

If we’re being honest, the range of possible coronavirus-related economic outcomes is huge — all the way from “happy days are here again” to a new Dark Ages. I raise these possibilities by way of commenting on Warren Buffett’s subdued confidence at Berkshire Hathaway’s BRK.A, +1.73% BRK.B, +1.93% annual meeting …

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This is how long coronavirus survives airborne — and on cardboard, plastic and steel, according to peer-reviewed study

COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, is “stable for several hours to days” in aerosols and on surfaces, including plastic and stainless steel, according to a study published this week in the peer-reviewed New England Journal of Medicine. The study was coauthored by scientists at the National Institutes …

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