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Tag Archives: like

The Tell: The Fed has made valuing stocks like ‘cheating off the F student,’ strategist says

David Rosenberg, chief equity strategist at Rosenberg Research, has been saying for some time the market is running on a Federal Reserve-induced high. In a note to clients on Tuesday, he said relative value in the current environment doesn’t make any sense, with the S&P 500 SPX, +0.82% up 37% …

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Outside the Box: Warren Buffett is handling the coronavirus crisis like he mastered the Great Recession

As the coronavirus crisis unfolds, many are asking: Where is Warren Buffett? They want to hear and see more from America’s most literary and famed investor, noted for both calm and prowess in times of distress. People know the current crisis is more acute than any in living memory, including …

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It was fair winds and following seas for small-business owners like these ship captains. Then came coronavirus

When the tall, bearded sailing ship captain danced into her life late in 2009, Julie McKay was ready to be swept off her feet. McKay, a massage therapist, was living near Baltimore when she flirted with Hugh Covert at a contra dance at an old stone church one evening. Over …

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‘We will not have a vaccine by next winter.’ Like the 1918 Spanish flu, CDC says second wave of coronavirus could be worse. So what happens next?

America is staring down a widespread COVID-19 testing shortage with no vaccine in sight. So what happens when coronavirus makes its unceremonious return? Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for more than three decades, said Wednesday, “We will have coronavirus in the fall. I …

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In One Chart: What will the stock market look like in a post-coronavirus world? The bulls are hoping history repeats itself

The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +2.99% ended a four-week stretch Friday with a total return approaching 30%, bouncing back from its worst first-quarter performance in history. As the worst pandemic in a century continues to take its toll on the global economy, investors, with no clear end in sight, …

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Key Words: Warren Buffett on the ‘one-two punch’ market panic: It took me 89 years to experience something like this

“ ‘It wasn’t October 1987, but it was an imitation… [and the financial crisis] was much more scary, by far, than anything that happened [on Monday].’ ” That’s Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A, +1.22% BRK.B, +1.48% boss Warren Buffett putting the market volatility — which he described as a “one-two punch” of …

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Key Words: Stephen King is ‘sorry’ if you feel like you’re living in ‘The Stand’ right now

Maybe Stephen King has a touch of the “shining”? A flu-like pandemic has spread across the globe, killing tens of thousands, overrunning hospitals and turning iconic tourist destinations like Times Square and St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City into ghost towns. These daily headlines and news reports following the COVID-19 …

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Protected: Mow Like a Pro

Long before becoming one of professional bass fishing’s brightest stars, Brian Latimer was known for his on-lawn skill and expertise. And, the leading role he played in the growth of his family’s multi-generational landscape contracting and retail businesses. Brian’s love for both outdoor landscapes and fishing were instilled in him …

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Create an Office That Feels Like Home – Essential Construction and Remodeling Guidance

Entrepreneurs often don’t pay to the “comfort” element of their office décor. The majority of entrepreneurs and business owners spend ample time, thought, and money trying to make an office look like an office. But they miss out on something crucial, that can motivate employees and other staff to work …

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