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Tag Archives: Learn

How Long Does It Actually Take To Learn A Language?

In my latest newsletter, I wrote about the realities of moving to a new country and learning a language. I discuss what it’s like for younger kids and older kids. I share favorite resources. I talk about the other kinds of “mini-languages” that you need to learn that you might …

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‘We’re all in this together’: Dr. Fauci outlines how the U.S. can learn from other countries in the battle against COVID-19

What can the U.S. do differently? Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, delivered some blunt messages to the public during an online video interview with actor Matthew McConaughey. There are three key reasons why many island nations and Asian countries, such as New …

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Economic Preview: This week we’ll learn the size of the hole the U.S. economy fell into when COVID-19 struck

There are good economic reports, there are bad ones, and in some rate cases there are ugly ones. This week, we get ugly. We will find out how deep a hole the U.S. economy fell into in the second quarter this year when non-essential businesses closed down in many parts …

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Five Things Start-Ups can Learn from Angel Investors

When start-ups or high-growth businesses go to Angel investors seeking funding, and they receive a no, it’s never just a no. Angel investors try always to give feedback and reasons why it is a no, or not this time, advice on what could be added or subtracted to the business …

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