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Tag Archives: husband

The Moneyist: My husband and his ex-wife agreed that he could claim their kids on his taxes, but now she’s ‘demanding’ half their stimulus

Dear Quentin, My husband received a text from his ex-wife demanding part of the latest stimulus check for their two children. My husband received their stimulus checks for their boys because in their divorce settlement he was granted the ability to claim both boys as dependents on his taxes for …

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The Moneyist: ‘I want to hurt him the same way he hurt me’: My husband sprung a prenup on me days before our wedding. He kept all copies

Dear Quentin, I am married and have been in the same relationship for a number of years. We have both been single parents from prior relationships. Considering our age gap, he is much more successful in life as a sole proprietor. He is more than a decade older than me. …

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The Moneyist: My husband and his brother inherited their family home. Our son lived there for 4 years. We paid $60K on taxes and repairs after a fire. Do we still split it 50/50?

Dear Quentin, My husband and his brother inherited their family home. When they were able to take possession our son and his family needed a place to live. The brother was quite willing to let them move in and, in lieu of paying him rent for his 50%, my husband …

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The Moneyist: ‘Greed is rearing its ugly head and killing brotherly love’: My husband and his brother are at war over an inheritance from a beloved neighbor. What can we do?

Dear Quentin, When my husband and his only (younger) brother were growing up, a childless neighbor was very kind to them and treated them as if they were her “nephews.” They even called her “Aunt Hilda.” They also treated her like family; my husband has visited her regularly over the …

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The Moneyist: ‘My husband has burned through all of our finances. If we divorce, I don’t want him to get one penny.’ How can I protect myself?

Dear Quentin, I live in New Jersey, which is a community property state. My husband and I have had a very rocky relationship and are contemplating divorce for the second time. My parents are both elderly but are in good health, thankfully. It has been suggested that when they die, …

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The Moneyist: I got into debt helping my mother financially. I even bought her a home and car. Don’t I have a right to put my husband first?

Dear Moneyist, I was raised by a single mother who sacrificed and worked very hard to give me and my siblings everything we needed growing up. Throughout my life I have tried to take care of my mom as best as I can, I give her money twice a month. …

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The Moneyist: My husband, 79, promised to leave his grandson his home. After 22 years of marriage is that fair to me?

Dear Moneyist, I am a married woman age 69 and my husband is 79. I am his second wife and we have been married for 22 years. He is not in the best of health and requires my care. He suffers with debilitating arthritic pain and is not able to …

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The Moneyist: My husband, 67, wants to leave his $2 million estate and home to his disabled daughter and his sister’s kids. Can he do that? I could outlive them

Dear Moneyist, My husband is 67 years old with an estate worth $ 2 million. His first wife died. He has a severely handicapped daughter and we signed a prenup when we married three years ago. He has a sister who is a year older than I am. I am …

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Help Me Retire: I’m pregnant, just lost my job to COVID and have $15,000 in a 401(k) — can my husband and I ever retire?

Dear MarketWatch,  I just turned 38 and my husband is 44. We don’t have a company retirement account, or individual one. He’s self employed and my last company didn’t have benefits. My husband cashed out savings (from previous job) for an emergency years ago. I have $ 15,000 in a …

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